
road n.1.路,道路;街〔略 Rd.〕;公路;行車道;路程,...

road discipline

The trees stand in parallel with the road . 這些樹與公路平行。

The road parched up with dry weather . 干燥的天氣使道路干透了。

The main road branches off to the left . 大道向左分出一條岔路。

It was a dirt road bordered by a dry ditch . 這是一條土路,路旁有條干溝。

The road to the zoo turns off here . 通向動物園的路由這兒拐彎。

The car jolted badly over the rough road . 汽車在崎嶇的道路上顛得很厲害。

The sun will soon dry up the roads . 太陽很快就會把道路曬干的。

The old bus bumped along the mountain road . 舊公共汽車沿著山路顛簸行駛。

Mind out for the traffic when you cross the road . 過馬路要注意來往車輛。

Robert jordan watched the bend of the road . 羅伯特喬丹注視著公路拐角。

There is a pub at the bottom of the road . 路的盡頭有一家酒館。

Down the broad white road ran jack . 杰克沿著白色寬闊大道飛跑。

So off they went down the white road . 于是他們沿著一條白色的道路出發了。

The second place was a bend in the road . 第二處位于馬路拐彎處。

Her car ran off the road and hit a tree . 她的車離開馬路,撞在一棵樹上。

The road construction work is in progress . 筑路工程正在進行中。

The going was very hard over this mountain road . 在這山路上行走很吃力。

The main road goes through the mountain gap . 那條大路穿過峽谷。

The old car bumped along the road . 那部老爺車在路上顛簸著行駛。