
roach n.【魚類】斜齒鳊,(歐洲)石斑魚。 sound as ...

roach back

Use twice a months in places where small roaches mainly exist and four times every two months in places where large roaches mainly exist 以小蟑螂為主的場所一個月內用2次; 4 .以大蟑螂為主的場所一個月內用4次即可根治;

Dvd features including commentary by jay roach and mike myers , theatrical trailer , infinifilm pop - up menus leading to : 12 behind - the - scenes featuret . . 而電影中的主要人物,今集將會更加豐富,全新角色加上全? .

Joyce roach , if i pronounced the name right , coordinator of organ donations of the indiana organ procurement organization . get that 哉斯洛治,希望我沒念錯這名字她是印弟安納器官移殖機構的協調人員。

But rice told c television that ru ia and china have signed on to the two paths a roach of incentives and punishment 但是賴斯對美國有線電視新聞網說,俄羅斯和中國已經同意采取獎勵加懲罰的雙軌行動。

Two roaches were munching on garbage in an alley when one engages a discussion about a new restaurant 兩只蟑螂正在一條小巷的垃圾堆上大吃著,其中的一只談起了它在一家新開張的餐館里的經歷。

Can you give me an example of when you had a different a roach or busine per ective to your colleagues 是否可以給出一個你提供給其他同事的不同的方式方法或看待問題的角度的例子?

A style ( 1915 - - 1925 ) with antirational a roach and nihilistic , a urdist , and incongrous thems 流行于1915 - - 1925間的藝術流派。其特點是反理性的創作手段和虛無、荒誕、矛盾的主題。

As roach notes , very little of the election campaign was devoted to these issues , for understandable reasons 正如羅奇所指出,由于可以理解的原因,競選活動很少針對這類問題。

All about classic hal roach movies ; laurel and hardy , charlie chase , thelma todd , and patsy kelly -國產劇港臺劇韓國日本電視劇以及其他電視劇的分集劇情介紹。

Put the roach rooms where roaches are found such as kitchens , sinks , drawers , closets , fridges and gateways 撕去背面的粘膠,粘貼于蟑螂經常出沒的地方即可;

Sue : i know . ants and roaches hate clean places . maybe you should try cleaning first 蘇:我知道。螞蟻和蟑螂不喜歡乾凈的地方。也許你們應該先清掃看看。

Leo : i ' m so poor that the roaches in my house are moving out because there isn ' t enough food 我窮到連家里的蟑螂都要搬家了,因為食物不夠他們吃。

You know what ? butch told me that he buried a dead roach in his front yard last night 你知道嗎?布奇告訴我他昨晚把一只死蟑螂埋在他家的前院。

The bug buffet continues with a cooked roach eating contest oct . 13 ? friday , oct . 13 10月13日,六旗游樂園還將舉行一次吃熟蟑螂的比賽。

So i keep em scattering like roaches , when the light turns off from night to dawn 酒已喝的那么多卻醉不了寂寞跌跌撞撞想開口想重頭來過

The rope is too short to roach the end of the will , so we have to it out 這繩子太短,夠不到墻那頭,所以我們不得不接上一段把它加長。

Roaches these days 這些天窩囊極了

Cock . roaches , beetles , 蟑螂和甲蟲

The best a roach at this particular time is to perha err on the side of caution 現在這個特定時刻最好的辦法也許是慎之又慎。