
rna RNA =ribonucleic acid 【生物化學】...


Rna silencing and viruses in plants 沉默與植物病毒

Stringent rna polymerase of e . coli and its in vivo transcriptional activity 聚合酶的篩選及體內轉錄活性測定

Rna polymerase ii structure in eukaryotes 真核細胞中的

During the climacteric may be a transient burst of rna synthesis 在轉換時期的rna合成可能有短暫的驟增。

Relation of telomerase rna , hpcaga and expression of pcna in gastric mucosa 及增殖細胞核抗原表達的關系

Group vi : rna reverse transcribing viruses Rna逆轉錄病毒

The effects of jnk rna interference on 293 cell apoptosis induced by cadmium 對鎘致293細胞凋亡的影響

Inhibition of survivin expression in human melanoma m14 cells by rna interference 14細胞生存素的表達

Now rna looks every bit as important as those two masters 現在看來, rna的作用并不亞于它的兩位主人。

Dna and rna reverse transcribing viruses Dna與rna逆轉錄病毒

Rna interference - a new research field of 免疫學研究的新領域

Unlike the neutron , rna has been known about for a long time 和中子不同, rna在許多年前就被發現了。

The statistical mechanics of rna folding 分子折疊的統計力學

Cells genes and rna duplication action of 的轉錄作用,又通過

Rna 1 : microarrays , library sequencing and quantitation concepts 微陣列、序列庫定序與定量概念。

The potential of gene therapy of leukemia with rna interference 干擾在白血病基因治療中的應用前景

Rna interference and its application in cardiovascular diseases 干擾技術及其在心血管疾病中的應用

Observation on manifestation of decorinm rna in mammary cancer tissue 在乳腺癌組織中表達的觀察

Application of rna inhibition techniques in neural stem cell 抑制技術在神經干細胞研究中的應用