
rmb RMB =Renminbi (中國的)人民幣。


Probing into the route of rmb exchange rate system reform 人民幣匯率制度改革途徑探索

The rational pondering on the actual exchange rate of rmb 對人民幣真實匯率的理性思考

The trend of rmb exchange rate in post - greenspan times 后格林斯潘時代人民幣匯率走向

The variation trend of rmb exchange rate after adapting to wto 后人民幣匯率變動趨勢

Reasonable localization of the future trend of rmb 人民幣未來走向的合理定位

This month i had to pay 200 yuan rmb toll call 這個月我要繳200元的電話費。

Lower requirements for conducting rmb business -降低經營人民幣業務的條件:

Research on the choice of rmb exchange rate system 再論人民幣匯率制度的選擇

I ' d like to deposit 5 , 000 rmb yuan in my account 我想在我的賬戶上存5 , 000元人民幣。

Why usa exerting pressure on rmb exchange rate 美國為什么要對人民幣匯率施壓

A : thank you , sir . that ' ll be 350 rmb altogether 謝謝你,先生。總共是350元人民幣。

The listed ticket price is in rmb yuan 四已公布的參觀門票票價為人民幣價。

With tax rmb 6 , 000 , 000 to the government 既有極高的文化品味,又有較高的藝術價值。

Readjustment of rmb exchange rate is extremely urgent 調整人民幣匯率刻不容緩

An analysis on the trend of exchange rate of rmb in 我國地區工業生產率變動趨勢分析

Rmb appreciation and national economic security 人民幣匯率升值與國家經濟安全

I require rmb 2 , 500 yuan per month as a start 我要求的起薪為每月人民幣2 , 500元。

Empirical study on equilibrium exchange rate of rmb 人民幣均衡匯率的實證研究

Tell me the current rate for rmb , please 請告訴我人民幣的現價。請告訴我結余金額。