
riyadh n.利雅得〔沙特[沙烏地]阿拉伯首都〕。


Sheikh khalifa also urged the international community to work seriously to end the sufferings of the palestinian people and to activate the peace process on the basis of the arab peace initiative reactivated in the 19th arab summit in riyadh in march , which is expected to lead to the establishment of an independent palestinian state 哈立發還敦促國際社會認真工作,以結束巴勒斯坦人民的苦難和在啟動和平進程的基礎上在雅麗得三月啟動19次阿拉伯首腦會議上提出的阿拉伯和平倡議,也期望以此來推進獨立的巴勒斯坦國家的建立。

In the 200102 winter season ( i . e from october 28 , 2001 to march 30 , 2002 ) , four new scheduled passenger carriers commenced services at hkia . they are cebu pacific air ( from november 22 , 2001 ) , ethiopian airlines ( from january 1 , 2002 ) , orient thai airlines ( from february 1 , 2002 ) , and finnair ( from february 7 , 2002 ) . some airlines also operate to new destinations , namely addis ababa ( by ethiopian airlines ) , helsinki ( by finnair ) , and sapporo and riyadh ( by cpa ) 在二零零一零二年的冬令期間(二零零一年十月二十八日至二零零二年三月三十日) ,共有四家航空公司,分別是宿霧太平洋航空公司(由二零零一年十一月二十二日起) 、埃塞俄比亞航空公司(由二零零二年一月一日起) 、泰國東方航空公司(由二零零二年二月一日起)和芬蘭航空公司(由二零零二年二月七日起) ,在香港國際機場開始提供定期航班客運服務。

Riyadh , saudi arabia : in saudi arabia ' s first ever “ tooth for a tooth ” case , a man who threw a rock at another saudi nine years ago - - - knocking two teeth out in the process - - - has been punished by having two of his own teeth extracted in public 沙特阿拉伯,利雅得:在沙特阿拉伯的第一件“以牙還牙”的案例中,九年前一個男人用石頭仍向另一個沙特阿拉伯人,砸掉了那個沙特阿拉伯人的兩顆牙,這個人被判處當眾將自己的兩顆牙拔出。

And since the us is the world ' s biggest agricultural supplier , this implies that the saudi arabians , say , should be snapping up farms in wisconsin ? as america secures oil in the most efficient manner by sending teams of texans to riyadh 而且,既然美國是全球最大的農產品供應國,這意味著沙特阿拉伯人應該會搶購美國威斯康星州的農場? ?正如美國獲得石油資源的最有效途徑就是向利雅得派出自己的石油專業團隊一樣。

Besides five suicide bombings in israel and another two in russia ' s chechnya republic , the saudi capital of riyadh was hit by three terrorist attacks on may 12 , and on 16 four bombings attacked morocco ' s atlantic port city of casablanca consecutively 除以色列的5起和俄羅斯車臣共和國的2起自殺性爆炸外, 5月12日,沙特首都利雅得遭遇3起恐怖襲擊; 16日,摩洛哥大西洋沿岸港市卡薩布蘭卡連續發生4起爆炸事件。

When compared with last summer , there are a total of six new destinations in this season , namely sapporo in japan , riyadh in saudi arabia , helsinki in finland , addis ababa in ethiopia , pusan in seoul , and las vegas in the united states 與去年夏季比較,航空公司于今季新增的客運航點共有六個,分別是日本札幌、沙特亞拉伯利雅得、芬蘭赫爾辛基、埃塞俄比亞亞的斯亞貝巴、南韓斧山和美國拉斯維加斯。

Cathay pacific airways is the operator of the new scheduled passenger services to sapporo and riyadh , while the services to helsinki will be operated by finnair , a new passenger carrier providing scheduled services to and from hong kong 該公司首次提供定期客運服務來往香港,而另一間在冬令期間加入提供來往香港服務的公司是宿霧太平洋航空,營辦香港至馬尼拉的定期客運服務。

These destinations have been or will be added to the route network of the hong kong international airport ( hkia ) . scheduled passenger services to sapporo and riyadh are operated by cathay pacific airways , pusan by korean air and las vegas by singapore airlines 國泰航空提供來往札幌和利雅得的定期客運服務,而大韓航空和新加坡航空分別提供來往斧山和拉斯維加斯的航班。

Mansour al - nogaidan , a riyadh journalist and former militant , said al - harby appeared on a videotape released in november 2001 in which bin laden described the planning of the sept . 11 attacks 據當過叛軍的一名利雅得記者說,阿哈比出現在了2001年9月發布的一盤錄像帶中,在那盤錄像帶里,拉登講述了9 ? 11襲擊的計劃。

Our country has been attacked by treachery in our own cities - and that treachery continues in places like riyadh and casablanca . we have seen the ruthless intentions of our enemies 恐怖分子正躲藏在自己的巢穴和營地內,謀劃進一步進行破壞,并為發動反文明戰爭建立新基地。

The move , which emerged at the summit of cartel leaders in riyadh , was an attempt to bridge the divide within the group over how to respond to the dollar ' s decline 此舉出現在歐佩克領導人在利雅得舉行的峰會上,其目的是彌合該組織內部在如何應對美元貶值方面的分歧。

That hope is understandable , comforting - - and false . the killing has continued in bali , jakarta , casablanca , riyadh , mombasa , jerusalem , istanbul , and baghdad 在巴厘、雅加達、卡薩布蘭卡、利雅得、蒙巴薩、耶路撒冷、伊斯坦布爾和巴格達繼續發生謀殺事件。

The string of attacks occurred in quick succession , capped by a fourth explosion early tuesday outside the headquarters of a joint u . s . - saudi owned company in riyadh 這一系列攻擊發生的極快,并且周二凌晨利雅得一家美沙合資公司總部外面又發生了第四起爆炸案件。

The order of events this time reflected riyadh ' s perception that the market was well supplied with oil , as seen in the increase in us crude stockpiles 而這次事態發生的順序表明,沙特政府已感覺到,市場供應充足,這一點可以從美國原油儲備增加中看出。

The commonwealth of the petroleum exporting countries ( cpec ) is a permanent , intergovernmental organization , created at the riyadh conference on september 10 , 2008 石油輸出國聯合體是一個永久性政府間組織,成立于2008年9月10日利雅得。

A saudi guest sits among ornate chairs during a welcoming party for the arab summit hosted by saudi officials at the al - athriyah village just outside riyadh 3月27日在沙特政府舉行的阿拉伯峰會期間,一名沙特與會者正坐在會議席上。

Saudi guest sits among ornate chairs during a welcoming party for the arab summit hosted by saudi officials at the al - athriyah village just outside riyadh 3月27日在沙特政府舉行的阿拉伯峰會期間,一名沙特與會者正坐在會議席上。

Three new destinations - sapporo in japan , riyadh in saudi arabia , and helsinki in finland are available in the winter season 今季新增的航點有三個,分別是日本扎幌,沙地阿拉伯利雅德,和芬蘭赫爾辛基。

Men examine a rare goat during a competition and auction for the best looking and rarest goats in riyadh , saudi arabia 沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得最漂亮和最稀有的山羊拍賣會上,人們正在查看一只相貌奇特的山羊。