
rivulet n.小河,溪流。


Whether snow - capped mountains or verdant plains , its rivulet - woven headstreams or the boundless sea , be it billowing riptide or twinkling calm surface , whether jungles inhabited by wild animals or villages of diversified ethnic groups with rich cultural heritages , sacred meili snow mountain or the three parallel rivers region , all are naturally bestowed fortunes and ever appealing works of classic beauty 白雪皚皚的高山,綠草如蔭的平川;溪流涓涓的源頭,一望無際的大海;波濤洶涌的激流,波光熒熒的江面;野獸出沒的高山峽谷到風情萬種的各族村寨;令人神往的梅里雪山,三江并流的世界奇觀,都是自然的造化,都是動人的經典。

Moreover , wooden walking horses invented by zhuge liang during the three kingdom period ( 220 - 280 ) , automatic horse made by craftsman yu lingyu of the qi of the southern dynasties ( 479 - 502 ) , wood beaver that could fish and then emerge from the water by itself created by wang ju of the tang dynasty ( 618 - 907 ) and wooden mouse - catching device recorded in meng xi bi tan ( the dream rivulet diary ) written by shen kuo of the northern song dynasty ( 960 - 1127 ) , all have natures similar to modern robots 另外,三國時的諸葛亮制作的“木牛流馬“ ;南北朝南奇巧匠俞靈韻的“機器馬“ ;隋唐時王琚用輕質木料制作的“機械水獺“ ,不僅能夠在水中捕魚,捕到魚后還會自動浮出水面;宋代沈括的《夢溪筆談》中的“木抓鼠“等,都和機器人有著異曲同工之妙。

The results showed that phenomena of significant anomalous water flowed out into rivulet and little change of hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions were observed in paikangchi and nankangchi river basin after quake , while no significant anomalous water flow but heavier composition of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes existed in maolouchi river basin 結果顯示北港溪和南港溪二流域在921地膿后曾有顯著異常水源進入河川之現象,但其溪水之氫、氧同位素組成并沒有發生變化,然而貓羅溪流域并無顯著之異常水流現象,但地膿后其溪水之氫、氧同位素組成則明顯變重。

Little change in hydrogen and oxygen isotopic composition of rivulet before and after 921 earthquake in paikangchi and nankangchi river basin implied that the earthquake stress might just force the groundwater stored in soil or strata to flow out but did not change the water sources of the two basins 因其氫、氧同位素組成在921地膿前、后并未發生變化,因此北港溪和南港溪流域在地震之后所顯示的異常水源,可能是地震的應力迫使原涵蓄于土壤或地層中之地下水流溢出,而并未改變其原集水型態。

It reminds you of a placid rivulet , meandering smoothly through green pastures and shaded by pleasant trees , till at last it falls into the vastly sea ; but the sea is so calm , so silent , so indifferent , that you are troubled suddenly by a vague uneasiness 資訊科技使你想起一條平靜的小河,曲徑平滑地完成的綠色牧場而且被愉快樹遮蔽,直到最后它掉入那廣大地海洋;但是海洋是如此平靜,如此沈默,和如此漠不關心,你突然被含糊的不舒適感到困擾。

It reminds you of a placid rivulet , meandering smoothly through green pastures and shaded by pleasant trees , till at last it falls into the vastly sea ; but the sea is so calm , so silent , so indifferent , that you are troubled suddenly by a vague uneasiness 它使人想起一條平靜的溪流,蜿蜒暢游過綠茵的草場,濃蔭遮蔽,最后注入煙波浩渺的汪洋大海;但是大海太過平靜,太過沉默,太過不動聲色,你會突然感到莫名的不安。

It reminds you of a placid rivulet , meandering smoohtly through green pastures and shaded by pleasant trees , till at last it falls into the vasty sea ; but the sea is so calm , so silent , so infifferent , that you are troubled suddently by a vague uneasiness 它讓你感覺猶如一條寧靜的溪澗,蜿蜒曲折的流經過綠色的牧場,兩岸綠樹成蔭,直到匯入蒼茫大海;但大海是如此安寧,如此靜謐,如此冷漠,讓你不由隱隱不安。

It reminds you of a placid rivulet , meandering smoohtly through green pastures and shaded by pleasant trees , till at last it falls into the vasty sea ; but the sea is so calm , so silent , so infifferent , that you are troubled suddently by a vague uneasiness 它使人想起一條平靜的溪流,蜿蜒暢游過綠茵的草場,濃蔭遮蔽,最后注入煙波浩渺的汪洋大海;但是大海太過平靜,太過沈默,太過不動聲色,你會突然感到莫名的不安。

Conspicuously heavier hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions in maolouchi river basin after quake suggested that the water source of the rivulet mainly drained from surface runoff subjected to evaporation or the interflow composed with heavier isotopes 貓羅溪流域在地膿后其氫、氧同位素組成明顯變重,此意指流至河川之水源可能改變為遭受蒸發作用之地表逕流,或以具較重同位素組成之中間流為主。

The water supply coming from hillside streams and rivulets , as well as from subterranean water sources . it was said that waterfalls in the pokfulam area and streams flowing in the aberdeen area were the sources of water used by the british merchants 他們的食水來源主要依賴香港島的山澗、溪流,以及開發地下水源,據說百步林(薄扶林)山澗的瀑布和鴨巴顛(香港仔)的山澗是英商取水的主要地點。

Which is founded in aug 1992 as a joint - stock company , locates at the beautiful coast of zhuang rivulet , longguan town yin county . the company owns an area with 10000 square meter , an 8000 square meter built - up area and total capital of 40 million yuan 是92年8月組建的股份制企業,座落于風景秀麗的章溪河畔鄞縣觀鎮,公司占地面積10000m2 ,建筑面積8000m2 ,總資產4000余萬元。

He looks at the rivulets streaming over the tarp , considers how many weeks of work could be undone by one leak shorting the circuits inside , and aborts the test , sending everyone home to their beds 他看著在防水布上水流成河的雨水,想到要是有一點漏水造成里面的電路短路,數星期的辛苦又要毀于一旦,于是決定中止測試,讓大家回家睡覺。

Where air bubbling up through fine powder creates channels that resemble drainage networks . this process of deepening and enlarging rivulets mimics the formation of streambeds on earth and mars 在網狀河流景觀中,流體動力學發揮了作用:空氣穿透細沙層向上冒出,造成類似河川的網狀流域。

I will confer the substantial blessing on you in the world , and converge into the limpid rivulets to inlay in the both sides of your path of life 想把世界上最多的祝福送給你,匯成一汪一汪清澈的小溪,把它嵌在你人生之路的兩旁。

These rivulets are good habitats for dragonflies , freshwater fish and some rare amphibians 這一帶的水道很適宜蜻蜓淡水魚和一些稀有兩棲動物生長。

Response characteristics of wind excited cables with artificial rivulet 帶人工雨線的拉索在風激勵下的響應

Bluish green rivulet in small white the river of water 小白水河碧溪流

Rivulets of water ran in through the leaks 小股的水流通過漏洞流進來。

It had ceased to rain, but the earth was sodden, and the pools and rivulets were full . 雨已經停了,但是,地上濕漉漉的,池塘和小溪都漲滿了水。