
riviera n.〔the Riviera〕 1. 里維埃拉〔法國東南...


Director and cast members pose on the red carpet before the world premiere of u . s . director ron howard ' s film “ the da vinci code “ at the 59th cannes film festival may 17 , 2006 . sidney poitier officially opened the 59th cannes film festival as the cast of “ the da vinci code “ led a galaxy of stars bringing glitz and glamour to the french riviera 當達芬奇密碼的演員及群星們先后踏上紅地毯,西尼波伊提爾開始宣布第59屆戛納電影節正式開幕,法國城市里維埃拉也因眾星的到來而璀璨生輝。

Currently , properties managed by urban group have been striving to establish volunteer team to consolidate efforts from both their staff members and customers to contribute to the community . they include the “ lei king wan caring team “ , the “ broadway - nassau community care team “ formed by mei foo sun cheun residents , the “ riviera gardens community care team “ , the “ harbour heights community care team “ and the “ park vale community care team “ 目前,富城集團旗下多個物業已各自成立了義工組織,其中包括鯉景灣愛心義工隊海濱花園義工隊由美孚新居民組成的匯秀社區關懷小組,與及海峰園社區關懷小組和蕙苑社區關懷小組等。

Cancelled nr38 riviera gardens - central admiralty nr312 allway gardenss - kwun tong nr314 sea crest villa phase 4 - tsim sha tsui nr316 allway gardenss - fo tan nr317 tsuen wan centre - kwun tong nr318 tsuen king garden - kwun tong nr319 hong kong garden - tsuen wan mtr station nr320 golden villa - tsuen wan market street (已取消) nr38海濱花園- -中環/金鐘nr312荃威花園- -觀塘nr314浪翠園四期- -尖沙嘴nr316荃威花園- -火炭nr317荃灣中心- -觀塘nr318荃景花園- -觀塘nr319豪景花園- -荃灣地鐵站nr320金麗苑- -荃灣街市街

The riviera gardens management office under urban group in tsuen wan has recently launched a fund - raising activity for unicef in collaboration with the riviera gardens estate owners committee and tsuen wan district councillor , mr . timothy p . t . chow , to raise funds for the tsunami victims in south asia 富城集團屬下荃灣海濱花園管業處于日前聯同海濱花園業主委員會及鄒秉恬民選區議員辦事處發起全?募捐行動,于各座地下大堂擺放捐款箱,收集善款。

Mr harvey liu , group manager - property asset management of urban group states , riviera gardens has through different communication channels been actively launching various environmental care activities to promote green messages to our customers 富城集團集團經理物業資產管理廖永泰先生表示:海濱花園管業處在富城集團及該物業之業主代表全力推動下,一直致力舉辦不同類型的環保及減廢活動,亦定時于屋苑通訊刊登環保資訊,向各業戶宣揚環保減廢訊息。

In 2004 , riviera gardens under urban group formulated 6 objectives in waste reduction and recycling , including recycling initiatives for used clothes , books , rechargeable batteries and paper . with the successful implementation of their recycling programmes for a year , riviera gardens was awarded the 富城集團屬下的荃灣海濱花園于2004年開始訂立了6個明智減廢目標,包括回收舊衣舊書手提電話充電池減少紙張電池?手紙用量及采用循環再造紙等。

As the residents living in the vicinity of the tsuen wan abattoir , in particular residents of the riviera gardens , are still suffering from the nuisances caused by the bad smell and grunting of pigs emanating from the abattoir and pigs - carrying vehicles , will the government inform this council whether 鑒于現時鄰近荃灣屠房的居民特別是海濱花園的居民仍受到屠房及載豬車輛所發出的臭氣及豬叫聲滋擾,政府可否告知本局:

Continued , “ with the full support and encouragement of urban group , riviera gardens will continuously strive for our corporate social responsibility mission to provide a green living environment for our customers and contribute to the sustainable development of hong kong . 續稱:在富城集團的全力推動下,海濱花園會繼續積極實踐企業公民責任,為業戶提供一個饒具成本效益的綠化優質生活,及為香港的持續發展出一分力。

The 8 properties under urban group receiving the “ caring estate “ logo are : city one shatin and hong lam court in shatin , riviera gardens in tsuen wan , belair monte and cheong shing court in fanling , lung fun garden in sheung shui and harbour heights in north point 富城集團內獲頒愛心屋苑標志的8個物業包括沙田第一城沙田康林苑荃灣海濱花園屯門恒順園粉嶺綠悠軒及昌盛苑上水豐花園和北角海?園。

Then there was a rattle of the fire - escape , and into her room jumps the mad and infatuated john delaney , entreating her to flee or fly with him to the riviera , or the bronx , or any old place where there are italian skies 這時安全出口處一陣響動,隨后跳進來了為愛而瘋狂、癡迷的約翰?德萊尼,他企求愛倫與他一同離開,奔向東部海岸或布朗克斯或者任何一個有著意大利式天空的地方。

The 58th festival de cannes opens on wednesday in the glamorous riviera resort , offering up the annual orgy of hollywood glitz , showbiz excess and a bewildering number of films both in and out of competition 第五十八屆戛納電影節本周三( 5月11日)在迷人的里維埃拉避暑勝地拉開帷幕,隨之而來的是一年一度的充滿好萊塢炫彩風格的狂歡,商業活動鋪天蓋地,精彩電影令人目不暇接。

The driver will start mileage count when he arrives beijing riviera , and stop mileage count until the last use . during working hours , the mileage taken on driving to the designates place that party s requires will be counted 每天行駛里程以司機到達甲方指定地點開始計算;直至甲方結束用車為止;期間司機空駛到達甲方其他指定地點之里程亦算作甲方使用里程。

Dr . edmond cheng , managing director of urban group stated , “ riviera gardens has been actively launching various environmental care activities and promoting green messages to the customers through different communication channels 表示:海濱花園一向致力舉辦不同類型的環保及減廢活動,并定期于屋苑通訊刊登環保資訊,向各業戶宣揚有關綠色生活的訊息。

The enthusiastic supports and assistance from residents of riviera gardens and staff members of urban group at the estate in co - organizing this fund - raising activity revealed that hong kong people are full of love , concern and generosity 是次籌款活動得各海濱花園居民及合辦團體員工大力支持和協助,充分體現香港市民擁有一愛心和善心。

Each sophisticated designer scent ? black platinum , gold essence and silver select ? is an exquisite blend of high - quality , concentrated fragrance oils from morocco , the french riviera and southern italy 每一款設計師制成的獨特香氣,黑色白金系列,金色精華系列及銀色嚴選系列是由來自摩洛哥、法國及義大利的高品質的天然精油制成。

Sidney poitier officially opened the 59th cannes film festival as the cast of “ the da vinci code “ led a galaxy of stars bringing glitz and glamour to the french riviera 當《達芬奇密碼》的演員及群星們先后踏上紅地毯,西尼?波伊提爾開始宣布第59屆戛納電影節正式開幕,法國城市里維埃拉也因眾星的到來而璀璨生輝。

09 09 2005 three security guards under urban group awarded by permanent secretary for economic development and labour matthew cheung 27 08 2005 riviera gardens under urban group awards “ wastewi e logo 09 09 2005富城集團屬下美孚新? 3保安人員協助打擊黑工獲經濟發展及勞工局常任秘書長張建宗親自嘉許

Now imagine yourself in a medieval town nestled in the lush folds of the southern maritime alps , not too far from nice , france , in the italian riviera 現在想像您自己處在意大利里維埃拉的一個中世紀的小鎮,周圍是southern maritime阿爾卑斯的青山環繞,離法國尼斯不遠。

23 03 2007 riviera gardens under urban group supports territory - wide weee recycling day campaign to collect 1 , 400 household appliances and computers for the needies 23 03 2007富城集團屬下海濱花園支持全港舊電腦電器回收日收集1 , 400件電腦電器產品循環再用