
river n.1.河,江。 Rriver Thames 或 the...

river basin

Torrential rivers are rumbling deep underground . 急流在地下深處隆隆奔騰。

His land goes almost to the river . 他的田幾乎一直延伸到河邊。

Our lawn slopes down to the river . 我們的草地向下傾斜到河邊。

The village was defended by a river . 這個村莊有一條河防護著。

O ! the huanghe ( river ) , cradle of the chinese nation . 啊!

They'll probably send him up the river . 他們大概要送他入獄了。

The river was swollen with flood water . 洪水到來后河水上漲了。

Ahead there was a ditch running into the river . 前頭有條通向河道的水溝。

The general had to get his troops across the river . 將軍要使其部隊過河。

It forms the watershed between the two rivers .. 它成了兩條河流的分水嶺。

As the river flows downwards , it widens . 這條河愈到下游愈寬。

The river has its source [rise] in the mountains . 這條河發源于群山之中。

The boat pulled out into the middle of the river . 那只船劃出到了河中央。

The path led through the trees to the river . 那條小路穿過樹林通向河邊。

My garden extends as far as the river . 我的花園一直伸展到河邊。

The current is strongest in the middle of the river . 河中心的水流最急。

Her hat flew off and landed up in the river . 她的帽子刮掉了落在了河里。

Several rivers are tributary to the ganges . 有好幾條河都是恒河的支流。

The river borders part of the province . 那條河構成該省部分省界。