
riven rive 的過去分詞。


In this case , we analyze fully and accurately the evolvement trend of “ industrial isomorphism “ and the effect of all marketing factor on yangtse rive delta region since 1992 . and the method that we use is named panel data model 本章采用paneldata模型分析方法對1992年以后長江三角洲地區產業同構的演化趨勢及在這一過程中各種市場化因素所發揮的作用給予了翔實的分析。

“ maister , coom hither ! miss cathy s riven th back off th helmet uh salvation , un heathcliff s pawsed his fit intuh t first part uh t brooad way to destruction 凱蒂小姐把救世盔的書皮子撕下來啦,希刺克厲夫使勁踩走向毀滅的廣闊道路的第一部分!

The paper is studying the age - old town in the delta area of yangtze rive - wu zhen , and would like to analyze how the environment impacts the residents “ life 本文試以太湖流域的古鎮烏鎮為例,分析其空間環境對居民生活的影響。

“ how often do a bunch of santas just go and wreak havoc ? “ rive said . “ it was a random act of stupidity “ that upset moviegoers 說不準哪時又跑出來搞破壞。這些愚蠢任性行為讓經常來看電影的人心驚膽戰。

“ we are just here to support the boys , “ said miss rives 里夫斯小姐說: “我們來這里是為了給他們加油。