
rivel vt.,vi.(〔英國〕 -ll-) 〔古語〕弄皺;皺起...


2 ) lab experiment of gac : to find the suitable granual activated carbon to treat the slightiy polluted xiang rivel 3 ) production experiment : make use of the dates acquired from lab experiment and jar test to run the model water plant . by contrasting two series of treating processes , the effect of “ improving gac performance by optimized coagulatiod “ was investigated 3 )中試:將小試試驗中所獲得的試驗參數帶入模型水廠試驗裝置中進行運行,通過兩種工藝的對比,對“強化混凝與活性炭吸附技術聯用”工藝處理湘江微污染源水的處理效果進行考察。

Then you are of no further interest to me , rivel . . . though i suspect your dreams will be filled with dark imaginings of the hedonistic pleasures you have denied yourself 那你對我不再感到興趣,真令人傷心. . .盡管我察覺你的夢里充滿你無法自己為追求快樂縱欲的邪惡幻想。