
rive vt.(rived; riven, rived)1.扯裂...


Three phase dry type power transformer , which make it with those features : safety , reliability , and energy saving , fireproof , flameproof , simple maintenance etc . , the design is advanced ; the structure of products is reasonable and the outline is fine , the main performances of the products are much better than the national standards , for example , partial discharge level no - load loss , on - load loss , noise level , it is adaptable for application on heavy humidity and severely pollute places which are near to lake , sea and rive , as well as , high demand - fireproof , heavy load capacity place , such as : high building , airport , station , port , underground , hospital , electrical power station , metallurgy , shopping center , residential area and petroleum chemical industry , nuclear power station , nuclear - powered submarine 非包封線圈三相干式變壓器,具有安全可靠節能防火防爆維護簡單等優點。其設計先進結構合理外形美觀。主要性能指標均優于國內標準,如局放水平空載損耗負載損耗噪聲以及能適應高溫度環境使用等,可安裝在靠近湖海河邊污穢潮濕的環境及防火要求高負荷較大的地區,適用于高層建筑機場車站碼頭地鐵醫院電廠冶金行業購物中心居民密集區以及石油化工核電站核潛艇等場所。

Chapter two point out some questions through stating the actuality of the cement in bulk and the cement industry in our country , hi order to analyze roundly and deeply the reasons that the cement in bulk and the cement industry is very difficult to develop along yangtze rive 第二章就我國水泥行業與概況、長江散裝水泥運輸現狀及存在的問題,旨在全面分析長江散裝水泥運輸難以長足發展的涉及政府、水泥生產企業和運輸企業的深層次的原因。

According to the three rives ( liaojaogang , fanshen , yanggang ) in haian county , this paper concluded the quantity of field water pollution source by on the point water monitoring , through respective analysis of direct runoff in urban and countryside 摘要以海安縣城鎮“三河” (洋港河、翻身河、老焦港河)流域為例,分別對城市地表徑流、農村地表徑流進行了分析、測算,并通過對水質現場監測,給出了“二河”流域內的面源污染量。

( 3 ) the area of impact force increase most quickly is north , especially meizhou , heyuan and shaoguan , chaozhou in east area is also quickly . but pearl rive delta emerges polarization for example zhongshan increase but dongguan decrease sharply 旅游經濟影響力增長最快的是北部山區,尤其是梅州、河源和韶關,粵東地區的潮州市增長率也較高;而珠三角地區則出現了分化現象,其中中山市增長最快,而東莞則急劇下降。

Along side the mainline railway from zhejiang to jiangxi province , hang - jin - qu express way and 330 national way going through , 180km away from , xiaoshan international airport . lan aarive , qu rive , wu rive gathering here , you will find convenient traffic here 公司緊靠浙贛鐵路干線,杭金衢高速公路、 330國道貫穿而過,距蕭山國際機場僅180公里,蘭江、衢江、婺江在此交匯,水陸交通非常便捷。

In this case , we analyze fully and accurately the evolvement trend of “ industrial isomorphism “ and the effect of all marketing factor on yangtse rive delta region since 1992 . and the method that we use is named panel data model 本章采用paneldata模型分析方法對1992年以后長江三角洲地區產業同構的演化趨勢及在這一過程中各種市場化因素所發揮的作用給予了翔實的分析。

Ieee trans . pattern analysis and machine intelligence , 1999 , 21 : 774 - 780 . 7 dhome m , richetin m , lapreste j t , rives g . determination of the attitude of 3 - d objects from a single perspective view 但是,對于p3p問題,在一般情況下即3個控制點與攝像機光心不在同一個外接圓上,最多存在4個解,從而在實際應用中,有時并不能唯一地定位物體,這是我們極力想要避免的情形。

Five others , including ellen rives , 29 , the wife of frank lampard , followed , splashing out on sunglasses next door . they then paid a further 1 , 500 for shoes and shirts in 10 minutes 包括弗蘭克?蘭帕德的29歲妻子艾倫?里夫斯在內的其余五位家屬則跟隨其后,在隔壁的商店里大花銀子買太陽鏡。之后,她們又在10分鐘內花了1500英鎊買鞋子和衣服。

And for those who are currently riven by conflict , like ivory coast , but whose world cup team is a unique and powerful symbol of national unity , it inspires nothing less than the hope of national rebirth 對于那些由于沖突而被分裂的國家,比如象牙海岸來說,它們的足球隊是國家統一的特殊而有力的象征,它激起的決不僅僅只是國家重生的希望。

The mingyong and si are branch of mt meili glaciers beneath kagebo peak stretch down from 5 , 500 meters above sea level to the forest belt at 2 , 700 meters above sea level , only some 800 meters above the surface of yangtze rive 明永冰川在卡瓦格博的下面,是梅里雪山的一部分,海拔從5500米一直延續到2700米,只比長江的表面高出800米。

The remote sensing model is difficult to be adopted during the course of 1km - resolutioned spatial interpolation for daily air temperature in the reaches of yangtze rive for the limitations of remote technology and finance 對于長江流域地面日氣溫場的1km分辨率的空間化,由于當前遙感技術能力和經濟能力的限制,難以采用遙感方法。

The problem of water quality fluctuation of huanghe river becomes more and more serious in recent years , which exerts great influence on power plants using water from huanghe rive as their feed water 摘要黃河水量水質隨季節的變化日益明顯,使黃河水水質波動突出,對內蒙古自治區境內以黃河水為補給水的電廠正常生產造成很大影響。

( 2 ) the regional diversity of tourism economic impact force is obvious between all cities in guangdong province . in this regions , pearl rive delta is highest , then gradually diminishes along north , east and west 廣東省旅游經濟影響力的地區差異明顯,其中珠三角地區影響力最大,依次向北部山區、粵東、粵西遞減。

Everybody at chelsea football club would like to send their congratulations to frank lampard and his fiancee elen rives after she gave birth to their second child today ( sunday ) 切爾西足球俱樂部的每個人都想向弗蘭克?蘭帕德和他的未婚妻艾倫?芮弗斯送上他們最誠摯的祝賀,今天(星期日)芮弗斯產下了兩人間第二個愛情的結晶。

At the same time , during the course of 1km - resolutioned spatial interpolation for the daily surface air temperature in the reaches of yangtze rive , the altitudinal effect ca n ' t negligible 同時在長江流域內地面日氣溫的1km分辨率的空間插值過程中,海拔高度對氣溫的空間分布的影響是不可忽視的。

Five others , including ellen rives , 29 , the wife of frank lampard , followed , splashing out on sunglasses next door . they then paid a further 1 , 500 for shoes and shirts in 10 minutes 包括弗蘭克蘭帕德的29歲妻子艾倫里夫斯在內的其余五位家屬則跟隨其后,在隔壁的商店里大花銀子買太陽鏡。

In the depiction of mona lisa ' s head , this skill in surface painting is supported by leonardo ' s knowledge of the skull beneath the skin de rived from his studies in anatomy 在描繪蒙娜?麗莎頭部時,列奧納多對皮膚下面頭骨的了解? ?得益于他對解剖學的研究,使得他描繪表象的技藝更臻完善。

Five others , including ellen rives , 29 , the wife of frank lampard , followed , on sunglasses next door . they then paid a further 1 , 500 for shoes and shirts in 10 minutes 包括弗蘭克蘭帕德的29歲妻子艾倫里夫斯在內的其余五位家屬則跟隨其后,在隔壁的商店里大花銀子買太陽鏡。

Zhangjiagang dongxin hardware tools co . , ltd is situated in the river port city zhangjiagang , which is the lower reaches of yangtze rive , bounded by suzhou , wuxi , changzhou and shanghai 張家港市東鑫五金制造有限公司位于長江下游港口城市張家港市境內。