
rivalship n.競爭,對抗。 friendly rivalry 友誼...


We pay more attention on the external assessments including politics , economy , laws , culture , technology and etc . in part two , according the assessment herein before , we seek after the way of building the very core rivalship ability of the sme , and the carving out strategy of sme 第二部分著重探討了高新技術中小企業的發展戰略。討論中小高新技術中小企業構建企業核心能力的途徑:抓住細分市場,實行目標集中的戰略;加大技術創新力度,提高企業核心產品競爭力;建立新型的企業人才機制;實施管理創新,突破家族化管理瓶頸。

This article is to make a study on unicom competitive organization management on the basis of the current situations of telecom enterprises in china , as telecom is the pillar industry for priority development . through analysis and study of the unicorn ' s exterior environment , interior conditions and competitiveness , it is aimed to establish a new competitive organization in unicom and to enhance its rivalship in the future 論文基于電信業是國家的支柱、先導產業以及中國電信企業的現狀,以“聯通競爭組織管理的研究”作為選題進行研究,旨在通過對聯通的外部環境、內部現狀及競爭實力的分析與研究,建立新的聯通競爭型組織,以提高聯通未來的競爭力。

In the age of information , security system does not mean a simple pure protection , but the great rivalship between the security officers ( so ) and virtual attackers ( va ) . some cyberspace security systems only give the defense framework , which is the integration of different protection technologies based on the system security management requirements , but not based on the understanding of information rivalry 在信息技術高速發展的時代,網絡安全已不再是單純的防御技術,而越來越成為安全管理員( securityofficers , so )與虛擬攻擊者( virtualattackers , va )之間信息與知識的對抗。

The basic aspect is the rivalship between so and va , through different layers of information , under two unsymmetrical information conditions , including two reverse - direction information handling processes . we also use game theory to analyze the dynamic process of the defence system in large - scale network 基本環節是so與va之間圍繞目標系統漏洞信息所展開的基于兩個非對稱條件下信息分層、雙向的對抗方式;動態過程是由公共對抗、目標管理系統、 so與va之間形成的一個四方動態重復博弈過程。

The major contributions of the dissertation are summarized as follows . ( 1 ) the rivalship model is presented to study the security defence problem 本論文的主要創新與貢獻如下: ( 1 )詳細研究了信息對抗過程,提出了對抗的基本環節與動態過程的博弈模型。

( 3 ) based on rivalship model , the process of attack information handling is studied ( 3 )研究了信息對抗下的攻擊信息決策技術。