
rivalry n.競爭,對抗。 friendly rivalry 友誼...


Enhance making of comparative advantage , reinforce competitive power of economic rivalry 提高比較優勢素質增強經濟競爭力

The yankees , red sox , the best rivalry in sports starts tonight 洋基隊和紅襪隊這兩支最佳競爭對手將出現在今晚比賽中

Intertwined with these were rivalry , power brokering , and patronage 然而也不乏有抗爭、強權操縱與任命特權交織其中。

There are sudden changes and powerful rivalries in chinese television market 中國電視市場,群雄紛爭,風起云涌。

Cultural pluralism , critics contend , promotes rivalry and divisions 批評家們主張多元文化主義促進競爭和分裂。

The rivalry between similar businesses for customers or clients 經營產品相近的廠商間爭奪顧客或客戶的斗爭。

The argument woke old rivalries 爭論又激起了舊怨。

The rivalry between similar busine es for customers or clients 經營產品相近的廠商間爭奪顧客或客戶的斗爭。

But whether it ' s a friendly rivalry , or a fight to the death 但是不管它是友好的競賽,還是關乎生死的較量。

Russia - u . s . rivalry for ukraine 俄美對烏克蘭爭奪態勢

Sibling rivalry competition between siblings is natural in a family 兄弟姊妹發生磨擦與爭執是在所難免。

The rivalry over international politics paradigm and its reconstruction 國際政治理論范式之爭及其重建

Rivalry is a much stronger motive 競爭欲是一個更強大的動機。

Q . do you think about their rivalry 你覺得他們處于敵對狀態么?

Rivalry is a much stronger motive 競爭欲乃是一個強大得多的動機。

Their old rivalry soon surfaced when they met again 他們重逢時,昔日之明爭暗斗旋即死灰復燃

Is it better to be a cutthroat rivalry 是否競賽激烈會比較好些呢?

The stronger the rivalry , the better i skate 對手越強我滑的越好。

The rivalry in this region is very fierce 這個地區內的競爭非常激烈。