
rival n.競爭者,對手,敵手;匹敵者,對等的人[物]。 a r...


Successive leaders beginning with stalin had valued his competence; none had seen him as a potential rival . 從斯大林以來的歷任領袖都很器重他的才干,而都不把他看成是潛在的競爭者。

Mcadoo's strongest rival was the attorney general a.mitchell palmer, who was still beating drums for americanism . 麥卡杜最強的對手是仍在鼓吹美國主義的司法部長A米切爾帕爾默。

It was not implausible that one such breakthrough could enable a certain nation to dominate its rival . 一項這樣的突破可能幫助某一個國家壓倒其競爭對手,這并非難以置信。

The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour -- much faster than any of its rivals . 獲勝車的車速達到了每小時四十英里比它的任何對手都快得多。

Socialist algeria was always looking for an opportunity to weaken its neighbor and rival . 社會主義的阿爾及利亞總想找機會來削弱它的鄰國和競爭對手。

He could not make up his mind whether or not mr. slope was in truth a favoured rival . 他無法斷定,斯洛普先生究竟是否的確是一個受到垂青的勁敵。

His business rivals knew they could expect no quarter from such a ruthless adversary . 他的業務對手都知道他們不能指望這樣無情的對手的慈悲。

The marked difference, in the final particular, between the rival vales now shows itself . 這兩個匹敵的山谷,顯著不同的地方,現在顯出來了。

The ups and downs of the rival parties furnished subjects for two excellent cartoons . 敵對兩黨之盛衰給兩幅最優秀的漫畫提供了題材。

The greeks rival the jews in being the most politically minded race in the world . 希臘人和猶太人并稱為世界上最熱衷于政治的民族。

It no doubt rivaled mt. shasta and mt. ranier in its snow covered magnificence . 其壯麗的雪景無疑可與沙斯塔山和雷尼爾山相媲美。

We hoped to win the contract but we were cut out by a rival firm . 我們希望把那個合同訂下來,但被一家競爭的公司擠掉了。

As an international financial center its only major rival is wall street . 作為國際金融中心,它唯一主要的對手是華爾街。

She played her two rivals off against each other and got the job herself . 她挑撥兩個對手相爭,自己卻獲得了那份工作。

Their attention and wit were drawn off to his more fortunate rival . 他們的注意力和心機已經轉向他那位更幸運的情敵了。

If an artist slackens the pace, he will be beaten by his rivals . 假如一位藝術家放慢步伐,和他競爭的人就要把他打倒。

Sir keith was, at this time, considered the main rival for the leadership . 基思爵士在當時被認為是領袖的主要競爭者。

The doctor's indignation was wholly lost on his imperturbable rival . 醫生的憤慨對于他的泰然自若的敵手也是毫無作用。

In economic matters europe and america were to some extent rivals . 在經濟方面,歐洲和美國在某種程度上是冤家對頭。