
ritzy adj.(-ier; -iest) 〔美俚〕時新的,時髦...


A celebrated red - tailed hawk evicted last week from his upscale new york digs can move back to the ritzy apartment building where his nest was perched following an agreement on safety arrangements , building management said on tuesday night 本周二12月14日晚,該公寓大樓的物業管理機構表示,隨著改善安全設施協議的達成,它現在可以重新搬回建在這座豪華大廈里的“小巢”了。

In complete contrast to the rugged sai kung country park and closest of all to the city , just 20 minutes away from central by bus or taxi , is hong kong s ritziest beach at repulse bay 淺水灣距離中環只約20分鐘車程,位于香港島南面,整個灣周圍,盡是氣派非凡的豪宅別墅,置身其中仿如來到了歐洲的蒙地卡羅。

A major landmark avenue that divides the island of manhattan into the west side and the east side , fifth avenue has always been a symbol of the ritzy life of new york 作為曼哈頓島東區和西區分界線的地標性主要大道,第五大道始終都是紐約時尚生活的一個標志。

4 keep your commute short . moving into a ritzy neighborhood would be even more harmful to your happiness if it means a longer commute 減少花在路上的時間。如果搬進豪華社區還意味著來回奔波的時間更長了,那可能會進一步傷害你的幸福感。

It ' s evident at city tavern , a mecca for 20 - somethings in san francisco ' s ritzy marina district 這一點在錫蒂塔弗恩顯而易見,這個地方位于舊金山奢華的馬里納地區,它是20來歲的人向往的地方。

But when i come down to their ritzy neighborhoods , they get uncomfortable 但一旦我來到白人區,他們會很不舒服

You ' re late . the sailboat club drive you home ? pretty ritzy 是挺晚了俱樂部把你送回來的?真是講究

We went to this ritzy greek restaurant 我們去了那家豪華的希臘飯店。

A : we went to this ritzy greek restaurant 我們去了那家豪華的希臘飯店。

I guess it's real soul-inspiring to work in a ritzy layout like this . 我想在陳設這么豪華的地方工作一定心曠神怡吧。