
ritz n.1.里茲大飯店〔以豪華著稱的瑞士大旅館〕。2.〔r-...


Add in the sublime ritz cuisine and the renowned service and the ritz is the obvious choice 再加之麗茲的特色精品佳肴和享有盛譽的周到服務,麗茲酒店是商務休閑度假的不二之選。

Shanghai ifc will also have two top - class hotels managed by ritz - carlton and w hotels 上海國際金融中心將興建兩間高級酒店,分別由ritz - carlton及w hotels集團管理。

The portman ritz - carlton has 628 spacious guest rooms including deluxe suites as well as presidential suites 共有628套客房,樓高45層。擁有豪華套房和總統套房。

For over a century , the ritz has been the benchmark by which other hotels are measured 整整經歷了一個多世紀的風風雨雨,麗茲酒店一直都是其他酒店效仿的目標。

The portman ritz - carlton shanghai : hotels in shanghai , shanghai accommodation rooms , china discount reservation 上海波特曼麗嘉酒店:上海酒店預訂上海賓館預訂

As you would expect , the ritz has a full range of services to offer , all in the signature ritz style 麗茲酒店的服務設施一應俱全,處處體現麗茲品味。

It was not till her father ' s death that she made her debut at a big party at the ritz 直到她父親去世了她才在里茲飯店的大宴會上首次作社交性的露面。

The ritz is the world ' s greatest hotel , as conceived by the world ' s greatest hotelier 由世界上最偉大的酒店家開創的麗茲酒店是世界上最豪華的酒店。

To dine at the ritz is to experience arguably the very best cuisine available anywhere in the world 在麗茲享用晚餐,品味世界一流的美味佳肴。

To stay at the ritz is to enjoy the ultimate in style , service and sophistication 入住麗茲就是享受頂級的舒適與豪華,更是在享受頂級的服務。

The ritz hotel 麗池飯店

H tel ritz paris 巴黎麗池飯店

Hotel ritz , macau 澳門濠景酒店

The ritz - carlton was full 卡爾頓賓館客滿了

Ritz foods corporation 鹽城市蘇香食品有限公司

The portman ritz - carlton shanghai 上海錦江飯店

Let ' s find the nearest hospital . - stay at the ritz . this is great 我們找最近的醫院吧-就住麗晶酒店吧.很不錯

- let ' s find the nearest hospital . - stay at the ritz . this is great -我們找最近的醫院吧-就住麗晶酒店吧.很不錯

How do i get to the hotel ritz 我怎樣去麗池大飯店?