
ritualize vi.(-ized; -iz-ing) 參加儀式,參加典...


The ritualized operation of politics , daily life of the people , historical memory and modern power network of the communities , all the overlapped belief space has presented a complicated community story 每一種力量都以自己的方式介入歷史,國家政治的儀式化運作,民眾的日常生活,社區的歷史記憶與現行的權力網絡,這多重疊合的信仰空間呈現了一段復雜的社區故事。

The latter , for example , ritualized their time ; there was a season to shoot grouse , a season to spend in town , etc 例如:后者使他們的時間儀式化,有射獵松雞的季節、有鎮上度日的季節等。

You have to realize what an honor this is . it ' s all highly ritualized , of course 你要知道這是個什么樣的榮譽.當然了,那都是非常儀式化的

The thrust of the practices also changed over time to become more ritualized 那推進那練習也改變隨著時間的過去到變成更多使儀式化。

Ritualized daily practices : a study of 以知青為例的研究

For a ritualized punishment of beating and harassment 她受到了儀式般的懲罰

Private jokes, the ritualizing of talk and gustation, a hint of self-satisfaction, even a tiny tinge of inbred malice: these are not entirely unknown in oxford and cambridge . 私人之間的笑話,講究飲食和談吐,一點自滿,甚至還有一點與生俱來的謔意,這些特點在牛津與劍橋也并非罕見。