
ritualistic adj.儀式的;儀式主義的。adv.-tically


Certain ritualistic movements take place , in which the grouped masters and their disciples of all ranks take up symbolic positions , and form on the floor of the valley such significant symbols as the five - pointed star , with the christ standing at the highest point ; of a triangle , with the christ at the apex ; or a cross , and other well known formations , all of which have a deep and potent meaning 某些儀式活動發生了,里面是大師團和他們所有級別的門徒,從事著象征性的場面,山谷底下,這樣意義重大的象征符號是五角星,救世主站立在最高點上;一個三角形,救世主在頂點;或者一個十字架;還有其他相當熟悉的構成形狀,所有一切都擁有深遠和有力的意義。

Because of the strength of the previous practice one is irresistibly attracted ; certainly even the inquisitive in the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the ultimate consciousness surpasses the ritualistic principles for fruitive actions in the vedas 由于前世修行的因緣很深,他就會無可抗拒地被吸引,當然即使僅僅是對其好奇也超越了《呋陀》經里所述的利益行為的儀式法則。

In a conscious departure from the “ enlightenment “ approaches to the relationship between religion and violence i ' d rather say , the ritualistic religious violence is mean of controlling diffuse human violence rather than as its source 我認?一旦刻意不用啟蒙的角度來探討宗教與暴力之間的關系,宗教儀式性的暴力是用來控制四處彌漫的人類暴力的一種方法,而不是暴力的根源。

Their power and strength comes through physical combat , and most of their warrior caste bear scars obtained from skirmishes with utraean or hassat forces or from ritualistic combat training 他們強壯的力量讓他們在近戰搏斗中占有優勢,大部分的蜥人族戰士身上都帶有傷疤,這都是與優崔恩人或哈薩族軍隊戰斗時,或是進行儀式性的戰斗訓練時留下的。

The bangkok conference , like most primary sessions of this type , seemed to be the more symbolic and ritualistic in its significance , demonstrating mainly that asia is playing an increasing role in the world arena 同大多數這類會議的首屆會議一樣,曼谷會議顯得更具有象征意義和禮節性,它主要表明了亞洲在世界舞臺上發揮著越來越大的作用。

While there are gender differences in conversational style and ritual use of language , the important point is that taking ritualistic language literally can lead to problematic18 perceptions19 of others 性別差異的確存在于交談方式和語言使用的禮節性方式中,但重要的是如果從字面上去理解禮節性語言會導致對他人的錯誤判斷。

“ do you vow to vanquish evil wherever it be found , and protect the weak and innocent with your very life ? ” the archbishop asked taelan in a ritualistic tone “你發誓,不論在何時何地,只要發現邪惡的存在,你就會毫不憂郁將之粉碎,用你的每一滴血去保護弱小和無辜嗎? “主教用一種宗教儀式的口吻問著泰蘭

With his bestial fighting style reliant on his natural attributes and ritualistic purges of natural accretions , he has become an unconventional ally in the fight 由于他天生的特性以及經過大自然儀式上的凈化所養成獸性的戰斗風格使他在戰場上成為了一名不依慣例戰斗的盟友。

By egyptian legend , the inhabitants of keftiu would engage in ritualistic bull fighting , with unarmed minoan bullfighters wrestling and jumping over uninjured bulls 埃及的傳說,克弗悌烏的居民會參加斗牛儀式,還有克里特文明的角斗士徒手摔跤以及跳牛比賽。

In japan , author yukio mishima and two compatriots commit ritualistic suicide after failing to sway public opinion during an unsuccessful coup attempt 1970年,日本作家三島由紀夫在政變失敗后,同兩名同胞剖腹自盡。

The purpose of the circle is not known , but possibly ritualistic . stone circle 堆疊石圓環的目的已無法稽考,但大抵與祭祀儀式有關。

Lacking language , its impulses are instinctual and ritualistic 無需語言,它的沖動是本能和儀式的。

Granny made it imperative, however, that i attend certain all-night ritualistic prayer meetings . 無論如何,姥姥都命令我必須參加某種通宵的儀式性的祈禱會。