
ritual adj.儀式的,禮儀的;典禮的;宗教儀式的。 ritua...


Who has given her permission for the ritual to be performed 她已經允許我們進行這個儀式

The exorcism ritual results in a specific brain activity 驅魔儀式會導致特定的大腦活動

The ritual elements are all fully developed - - 那些儀式的要素已經固定下來

During the ritual you were milling about the cargo ship 是你在儀式期間去貨船上亂轉的

Some suggested it may have had a ritual use 一些觀點認為它也許有宗教儀式等特殊用途。

All of my rituals revolve around my space 我所有的靈感都來自于自己的空間

An introduction to hoklo wedding rituals approx 介紹鶴佬漁民的迎親習俗。

Susan slyomovich , ritual grievance : the language of woman 訴冤的宗教儀式:女人的語言

A most brilliant and sacred ritual walking on the golden path 走在光輝璀璨的黃金道上

A preliminary study on the system of ritual chariot of chu 楚國禮車制度初探

Wives make a ritual of their household duties 家庭主婦每天都是一成不變地操持家務。

You know how they ' ve traditionally always used it in holy rituals 在祭祀中都用它

What race were the characters performing the ritual 進行典儀的是什么種族?

Gwen meighen occupied with pre - takeoff rituals 桂溫?米恩忙于起飛前的一些繁文縟節。

I sat up till after midnight studying the roman ritual . . 我研究羅馬儀式直到深夜…

A ritual of seduction or a war declaration 一種誘奸還是一個戰爭宣告的儀式?

You guys are doing some kind of medieval ritual 你們在這里搞什么中世紀的儀式

There are a lot of rituals and superstitions at weddings 婚禮上有許多禮儀和迷信。

Yes , my lord . a ritual to soothe departed souls 是的,大人,一個寬慰死去靈魂的儀式