
rite n.儀式,典禮,禮儀;習慣,慣例;〔R-〕【宗教】禮拜式...


Confucius ' atheism thoughts in oelemma in science of rites 孔子鬼神觀念在禮學中的兩難境遇

The school rites of ancient academy in china 論中國古代書院的學禮制度

The similarities and differences on rite theory of li gou and xun zi 李覯與荀子禮論的異同

The sacrament or rite of ordination 神職儀式神職的任命或神職任命儀式

- what are you doing ? - l ' m reading you your last rites -你要干嘛? -我要給你做最后的超度

On relation between matrimony and filial piety in the book of rites 中婚姻與孝的關系芻議

Six classical arts : rites , music , archery , riding , writing , arithmetic 禮樂射御書數

As a guide to performing the exorcism rite 如同一個進行驅魔儀式的手冊

Surpassing alienated confucian rites - new approaches to taoist philosophy 道家法哲學新探

1 brief explanation of the rite by the celebrant 一主禮司鐸作簡短解釋

“ what is a rite ? “ asked the little prince “儀式是什么? ”小王子問道。

Maybe it ' s like this rite of passage , you know 也許這就是人生的必經之路

What are you doing ? - l ' m reading you your last rites 你要干嘛? -我要給你做最后的超度

Six classical arts rites , music , archery , riding , writing , arithmetic 禮樂射御書數

In my study of terran and betazoid conjugal rites , 根據我對地球和貝塔茲星婚禮儀式的研究

On the practicality of the system of rite and music 論禮樂制度的實踐本性

A deep secret ; ancient and deep tribal rites 奧秘;古老而神秘的部落儀式

Don ' t forget the memorial rite for your dad at midnight 不要忘了半夜給你爸爸的紀念儀式

The sacrificial rites and its music of yuan dynasty 元朝祭祀之禮及其用樂