
ritchie n.里奇〔姓氏〕。


Guy ritchie : pretty much ignore all the stuff they say and write about you 蓋:大概就是不要理會八卦新聞如何報導你,怎麼寫你。

Guy ritchie : i ' ve got to tell you , we ' re just like any other married couple 蓋:我要告訴你,我們就像其他平凡的夫妻一樣。

If they so much as scratch mr . ritchie ' s car when he shows , he ' ll shit 如果瑞奇先生來的時候他們刮花他的車,他會大發雷霆

Would you have the nerve to take it ? - we talking about ray ritchie ' s money -你有膽子撿嗎? -我們是在說雷瑞奇的錢吧?

- would you have the nerve to take it ? - we talking about ray ritchie ' s money -你有膽子撿嗎? -我們是在說雷?瑞奇的錢吧?

Bob ' s old man , dumb - shit , undersold all of his property to ray ritchie 鮑勃的爸爸是個傻瓜低價賣給雷?瑞奇他所有的土地

Guy ritchie : i enjoy it enormously . wish i ' d done it sooner 蓋:我非常享受婚姻生活,甚至覺得應該早一點開始婚姻生活。

She belongs to ray ritchie 她屬于雷?瑞奇

- well , i didn ' t think he ' d given her to you . - no , she ' s still ritchie ' s -嗯,我想他沒把她讓給你吧-沒,她還是瑞奇的

Colin ritchie company 北京英普教育咨詢公司

Well , i didn ' t think he ' d given her to you . - no , she ' s still ritchie ' s 嗯,我想他沒把她讓給你吧-沒,她還是瑞奇的

Dick ritchie : clarence , do you have any idea how much coke you have here 克拉倫斯,你想過你有多少可樂在這里嗎?

Mr . ritchie , you want to get rid of me bad enough to give me a lift 瑞奇先生,你這么想趕我走不如送我一程吧?

- you ' re not a fan of ray ritchie ' s ? - don ' t like the way he does things -你不喜歡雷?瑞奇? -不喜歡他的處事方式

You ' re not a fan of ray ritchie ' s ? - don ' t like the way he does things 你不喜歡雷?瑞奇? -不喜歡他的處事方式

Guy ritchie : i don ' t know . we don ' t want to stick our chins out again 蓋:我不知道。我們可不想再招惹麻煩了。

Daughter of gwyneth paltrow and chris martin son of madonna and guy ritchie 羅克里奇麥當那和蓋里奇的兒子

Ritchie takes that stuff seriously 里奇把那看的很重

- hey ritchie , what ' s up ? - what ' s up , halloran ? how ' s the diet -嗨,里奇,你好嗎-你好嗎,霍爾奧蘭,加的什么料