
rita n.麗塔〔女子名, Margaret 的昵稱〕。


Rita : well , maybe … three weeks ? what about a month 莉達:嗯,可能三星期,那一個月如何?

Rita : i can ' t . is it something fun 莉達:我猜不到,是有趣的東西嗎?

Rita : you really love coffee , don ' t you 莉塔:你真的很愛咖啡,對吧?

Rita : hmm … interesting . it could do with a little salt 莉達:嗯…有趣,應該要多加點鹽。

Rita : i was , but i ' m breaking it today 麗塔:本來是,但是今天我破例。

Rita : i ' d like to order the special please 莉達:麻煩我想點這道特餐。

Rita : love at first sight huh ? where did you meet him 莉達:一見鐘情呀?你在哪里認識他?

Susan : i won ' t . i left my purse in rita ' s room 蘇珊:不工作了,我把錢夾忘在麗塔屋里了。

A knife was plunged up to the hilt in rita s left breast 一把短刀柄直插在麗達的左胸上。

Rita : not at all . these are from brian 莉達:沒有,全都是布萊恩送的。

Scott : why don ' t you break up with rita 史考特:你為什么不跟麗塔分手?

Rita : will you need jeff for the next scene 麗塔:下一幕中需要杰夫嗎?

Jake : do you know rita ' s friend chris 杰克:你認識麗塔的朋友克麗絲嗎?

Rita : how does it feel to be back , jane 瑞塔:阿珍,回來之后感覺如何?

Rita : why ? do you have a better idea 麗塔:為什么不,你有更好的主意嗎?

Rita is talking with her friend , greg , on the telephone 麗塔正和朋友葛瑞格在講電話。

Rita : you have an hour before you ' re on 麗塔:離你工作時候還有一個小時。

Quoted from 1 . 11 . 1989 rita fans speech in legislative council 范徐麗泰在立法局的發言

Rita : no , but there ' s a toilet right behind you 莉達:沒有,但有一間廁所就在你背后。