
risotto n.〔意大利語〕 洋蔥、雞肉等煨飯。


Hainan hi - nahn chicken rice : one of the staples of singaporean cuisine , a chinese risotto sizzled in a pan and simmered in chicken stock , glistening with chicken essence and fragrant with ginger , every grain plump and separate yet chewy and bursting with juice . 海南雞飯屬新加坡名菜,軟? ?的飯中滲出淡淡鮮雞香味,而配料經雞油炒香后滋味撲鼻而來,加上新鮮靚雞皮爽肉滑,令人食指大動,胃口大開。

Hainan hi - nahn chicken rice : one of the staples of singaporean cuisine , a chinese risotto sizzled in a pan and simmered in chicken stock , glistening with chicken essence and fragrant with ginger , every grain plump and separate yet chewy and bursting with juice 海南雞飯屬新加坡名菜,軟的飯中滲出淡淡鮮雞香味,而配料經雞油炒香后滋味撲鼻而來,加上新鮮靚雞皮爽肉滑,令人食指大動,胃口大開。

Ingredients : 300g risotto rice , 3tbsp white wine , 500ml hot chicken stock , 500ml hot water , 1 / 2 onion , 10 pcs white button mushroom , 1tbsp olive oil , salt and pepper to taste , some chopped parsley , some grated parmesan cheese 材料:意大利米300克、白酒3湯匙、熱清雞湯500毫升、熱水500毫升、洋蔥半個、白菌10個、橄欖油1湯匙、鹽及胡椒粉適量、蕃茜碎適量、巴馬臣芝士碎適量。

The domain resembles a specialty grocer who provides ingredients for a particular cuisine . your pot might contain chorizo from the carnicera when you re cooking tex - mex or risotto when you re cooking italian 當您在烹飪美墨食物時,您的罐子里可能有來自carnicer & iacute ; a的口利佐香腸( chorizo ) ,而當您在烹飪意大利食品時,您的罐子里可能有意大利調味飯( risotto ) 。

Hainan hi - nahn chicken rice : one of the staples of singaporean cuisine , a chinese risotto sizzled in a pan and simmered in chicken stock , glistening . . 海南雞飯屬新加坡名菜,軟? ?的飯中滲出淡淡鮮雞香味,而配料經雞油炒香后滋味撲鼻而來,加上新鮮靚雞皮爽肉滑,令人食指大動,胃口大開。

Add in the mushroom slices and the remaining liquid , keep stirring until the risotto turns creamy . season it to taste 加入白菌和剩馀的水分,加以拌炒成軟滑的飯,再加入鹽及胡椒粉調味。

During the week - long 4 ) course , you ' ll learn how to make antipasti , risotto and ragu bolognese 在為期一周的課程中,你將學會如何做開胃小菜、意大利調味飯與肉醬面。

In a deep saucepan , saute the onion with olive oil until soft , then add in the risotto rice 取一個較深的鍋子,加入橄欖油把洋蔥碎炒至軟身,再加入意大利米。

And the special risotto 還有意大利調味飯

Erm , i am going to check out the risotto 呃,我去看一下意大利肉飯

$ 35 for “ lobster risotto in a heart - shaped mold “ “心形意大利調味蝦飯”要35塊錢?

35 for “ lobster risotto in a heart - shaped mold “ “心形意大利調味蝦飯”要35塊錢?