
risk n.1.風險,危險;冒險。2.【保險】(損失的)風險(率...

risk capital

This noble man had to risk his life on that primitive invention . 這位高貴的人必須在原始裝置上冒險。

The deal narrows my margin and increases my risk . 這筆交易縮小了我的回旋余地,而且增加了我的風險。

Eisenhower could not afford a massive risk and setback . 艾森豪威爾經受不起一次大規模的冒險和挫敗。

Debenture holders have a prior claim and accept the least risk . 債券持有人有優先索賠權,風險最小。

Risk isn't loss . 冒險并不就等于蝕本。

He decided to save the expense and risk the worker's lives . 他決定節省開支,拿工人的生命去冒險。

I've been done down once, and i'm not risking it again . 我已經上過一次當,我不想冒第二次危險了。

Government considers it prudent to minimise the risk . 政府認為把這種危害降低到最小程度是明智的。

The risk does not detract from nixon's courage in running it . 危險無損于尼克松甘冒風險的勇氣。

Wear your safety helmet when you go down. do n't take any risks . 戴上安全帽再下去,不要冒險。

I haven't as much to risk if i incur your displeasure . 即使惹你不高興,我也沒多大風險可擔。

Unafraid of attack , they dared ( to ) run such risks . 他們不怕打擊,敢于承擔這樣的風險。

She runs the same risks . 她也在冒這樣的風險。

She could not take the risk . 她還是不能大意。

Surmounting the risks and fears of some may be difficult . 解除某些人的疑慮可能是困難的。

Why do you take such risks ? 你為什么冒這么大險?

I beg of you not to run any risk . 請你不要冒險。

It also provides indication when direct risk is imminent . 危險臨近時,它也能發出訊號。

Faber did not want to risk his life to no purpose . 菲伯爾不想拿他的性命做無謂的冒險。