
rise vi.(rose; risen ) (opp. fall...


Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back . 玫瑰叢修剪后還能再長出新枝。

The rising sun flames the eastern sky . 朝陽映紅了東方的天空。

A dusky blush rose to her cheek . 一抹淡淡的羞澀泛上她的面頰。

The sun is rising and shining all over the mountain . 太陽一出喲,滿山紅。

Just in time, the values are rising already . 買的正是時候,房價已經漲了。

My cake is a disaster -- it has not risen . 我的蛋糕做壞了面沒發起來。

The dam was in danger because of the rising flood ... 洪水猛漲,大壩告急。

Elinor and her mother rose up in amazement . 埃莉諾和母親驚奇地站了起來。

The seas are rising and the continents are rocking . 四海翻騰,五洲震蕩。

The critical stars had not yet risen . 最要緊的是星辰尚未升起。

What a beautiful rose ! is it for me ? 好美的玫瑰啊!給我的嗎?

The colourful balloons rose high into the air .. 五顏六色的氣球騰空而起。

Wordlessly, she rises from the couch . 她一語不發,從長沙發椅上站了起來。

We saw bubbles rising from under the water . 我們看到一些水泡從水下升起。

Her colour rose a little at the implication . 這句話的隱喻使她漲紅了臉。

A good majority of those present rose . 在場的很多人都站了起來。

We must learn how to rise on our toes . 我們得去學習怎么樣以趾尖站起來。

The rock rises sheer from the water . 巖石筆直地從水面矗立起來。

The confining material rises to the surface . 覆蓋層升高至地表。