
ripply adj.起漣漪的,有波紋的;潺潺響的。


Although it was winter , bright sun shines down in the island , i saw ripply rivers in mountains , deep valleys , blue sky and white cloud , the world is so whisht and quiet , besides vehicles passed , only some buffalos were browsing in leisure , just like xanadu 雖是冬日,但海島艷陽高照,孱孱的山澗、深邃的山谷、藍天白云,除了過往的車輛,就只有悠閑吃草的水牛了,一切是這樣的靜謐安詳,如同世外桃源。

A little ripply , cool breeze begun to blow , and that was as good as saying the night was about done 一陣涼風微微地吹來,這等于說,夜快盡了。