
ripple n.1.漣漪,皺波,漣波;漣波聲,潺潺聲;細小急流;(頭...

ripple mark

You ' re talking about some kind of ripple effect 你在談及某種連鎖反應

From the edge of the sea came a ripple and whisper 海岸邊有小浪卷來,伴隨著細微的聲響。

Geometric characteristic parameter of perforate ripple stuffing 孔板波紋填料幾何特性參數

Low dissipation factor , high ripple current 低損耗角正切,高紋波電流。

Sunlight dances off the rippled , white sand banks 陽光照在起伏的白色沙灘上,金光閃閃。

Her hands running over the ripples in his abdomen 她的手指在他的腹部滑動

A half - moon caused the rippling sea to glitter 半月于微波的海面閃閃發亮。

Ripple control receivers - part 2 : basic dimensions 脈動控制接受機.第2部分:基本尺寸

It didn ' t really matter that they were riding ripples 即使他們是在沖小浪也沒關系

A gentle breeze rippled the surface of the lake 一陣微風吹過,湖面上漾起圈圈漣漪

The ripples reinforce each other geometrically 按照幾何學原理漣漪會互相增強

A ripple , as on the surface of water 她把一塊石頭扔進池塘里,看著水的波紋擴散開

Her hair hung to her shoulders in soft ripples 她的頭發呈飄柔波浪式披懸到肩。

That can ride both a ripple and the biggest of waves 可以同時沖最小和最大的浪。

What , you ' re talking about some kind of ripple effect 什么,你在說某種漣漪作用

Sir uwaine, at a sign from his mother, went to the anteroom and called some servants, and meanwhile madame went rippling sweetly along with her talk . 攸文爵士一見母親打了個手勢,就跑到前廳,叫了些仆人來,同時太太還在繼續說話,話語如同潺潺的流水一般,非常悅耳動聽。

He couldn't help but feeling a little bruised by the rippling lightness in his sister's movements and pinpoints of joy in her eyes . 他看見他姐姐的行動象微波蕩漾的流水那么輕松愉快,她眼里閃耀著歡樂的光輝,心中不由得感到有點難過。

A speech he made to an american division shortly after his arrival in the united kingdom caused more than a ripple of astonishment and press comment . 他到達英國不久后向一個美國部隊所作的演講,曾引起軒然大波和輿論的抨擊。

And the lightness and freshness and intoxication of the gentle air blowing here and there, yet scarcely rippling the surface of the lake . 一陣陣微風吹過,多么輕飄,多么清新,多么令人陶醉,可是湖上卻并沒有吹起的漣漪。