
ripper n.1.扯裂者;拆縫線用具;拆屋頂用具;粗齒鋸。2.〔英...


It would get so dark that it looked all blue - black outside , and lovely ; and the rain would thrash along by so thick that the trees off a little ways looked dim and spiderwebby ; and here would come a blast of wind that would bend the trees down and turn up the pale underside of the leaves ; and then a perfect ripper of a gust would follow along and set the branches to tossing their arms as if they was just wild ; and next , when it was just about the bluest and blackest - fst 雨又急又密,斜打過去,不遠處的樹木看起來朦朦朧朧,仿佛給一張張蜘蛛網罩住了。突然吹來一陣狂風,把樹木吹彎了腰,又把樹葉背面蒼白的一片片朝天翻起。接著又一陣狂風,但見樹枝猛烈搖撼,簡直象發了瘋的一般。

Wenke lee get enlightenment in data mining , develop one mix detection ripper . it does not set up models separately for different invasion behaviors , at first , through a large number of example with data what invade behavior to study what normal behavior and intrusion behavior of system that is . find and describe to use mode unanimously systematic characteristic , form to unusual abusing suitable measuring model , this a typical application measuring in mixed detection measure 它什不為不同的入侵行為分別建立模型,而是首先通過大量的沛州1數抓挖刪方法來學習什么是入侵行為以及什么是系統的匯常行為,發現掀述系統特征的一致仙門1幀式,然后丙形成對異常和濫用都適川的檢測模唄,這是了合價測的個此呷的多門1 。

By applying ripper algorithm to a great lot data sets in intrusion detection fields , we found that the inductive ability of this traditional classification algorithm could be greatly damaged by the lack of negative examples in training data sets . given the prevalence of lack of negative examples ( which cover some intrusion types ) in the audit data we can offer , this limitation was almost lethal 在大量的入侵檢測環境下的數據上應用ripper分類算法的結果顯示,這一傳統分類算法強大的歸納能力對于入侵檢測環境下反例缺乏(我們提供的審計數據不可能函概所有的入侵類型)的數據集不能很好地適應。

About two they come up again , though , and jim was going to call me ; but he changed his mind , because he reckoned they warn t high enough yet to do any harm ; but he was mistaken about that , for pretty soon all of a sudden along comes a regular ripper and washed me overboard 眼下,浪頭也不會那么高了。到兩點鐘,風浪又大了起來,杰姆本想叫醒我,后來一想,便改變了主意。因為依他看來,浪不致于掀得太高,造成禍害。

It is shown that ripper is superior to other algorithms in terms of complexity in computation , classified precision and noisy data adaptability because of its adoption of the repeated incremental reduction mechanism , and it is more suitable to the intrusion detection 由于ripper分類算法采用了重復增量裁減機制,所以在計算復雜性、分類精度、噪音數據適應性等方面都優于其它分類算法,更適用于入侵檢測建模使用。

Tests on a few man - made and real data sets showed that , without greatly affecting its computational efficiency , the new algorithm have better generalization performance over ripper algorithm on data sets lack of negative examples 通過在多組人造及實際數據集上同ripper算法的對比實驗,證明該算法對于反例缺乏的數據集,在沒有明顯影響算法的速度的前提下,仍然具有較強的歸納能力。

She brought her pet bulldog , ripper , to visit and when harry was nine , she actually allowed the dog to chase harry up a tree , where he had to remain until she called the dog off after midnight 她在哈利九歲那年的拜訪中帶著她的寵物斗牛犬,利皮,她竟然任由這條狗追咬哈利直到他爬上了樹,最后她在午夜過后把狗叫回來時哈利才下來。

I ll stick to the widder till i rot , tom ; and if i git to be a reg lar ripper of a robber , and everybody talking bout it , i reckon she ll be proud she snaked me in out of the wet . 湯姆,我到死都跟著寡婦在一起了。我要是始終能成為一名響當當的強盜,人人都會談到我,那么,我想,她會為自己把我從困境中解救出來而自豪。 ”

Based on ripper , some modification was proposed to adapt the intrusion detection environment , resulting in the multi - greedy and coupling ( mgc ) rule induction learning algorithm 本文在ripper算法的基礎上,進行了適太原理工大學碩士研究生畢業論文應入侵檢測環境的改造,提出了多級貪婪禍合規則歸納算法。

They do , however , make effective use of the famous ripper gun , and they already comprehend how to tear a body limb from limb , and that is all they really need to know 不過,他們倒是的的確確能有效地發揮著名的撕裂者之槍的威力,也已經知道怎么把敵人的軀體扯成尸片了,知道這些就已經足夠了。

Funeral services were held for 5 murdered prostitutes in eastern england . this as investigators continue their search for the so - called ipswich ripper 五個被殺妓女的葬禮在英國東部舉行。與此同時對“伊普斯維奇連環殺手”罪犯的條查還在繼續。

Acting premier eric ripper said he would have no problem drinking recycled waste water , but agreed there was public concern on the issue 代理總裁艾里克里浦稱他會豪不猶豫地飲用回收廢水,但他也同意公眾會關注這個問題。

Tunnelling machines - road headers , continuous miners and impact rippers - safety requirements ; german version en 12111 : 2002 隧道掘進機.巷道掘進機聯合采礦機和沖擊式挑頂機

Tunnelling machines - road headers , continuous miners and impact rippers - safety requirements 隧道掘進機械.巷道掘進機聯合采礦機和沖擊式平巷掘進機.安全性要求

Tunnelling machines - road headers , continuous miners and impact rippers - safety requirements 隧道掘進機.巷道掘進機聯合采礦機和沖擊式挑頂機.安全要求

This pro version also contains a cd ripper functionality to save cd tracks to hard disk 這個專業版還包含一個光盤碎尸功能,以節省光盤軌道到硬盤。

The figure i saw was the deathly figure of the infamous jack the ripper 他的衣服還有手中的匕首都清楚地出現在我面前,剎那間往事浮現在我腦海里。

There is no female mozart because there is no female jack the ripper 沒有出現女性的莫扎特音樂天才,那是因為沒有女性的吹笛人來拐誘天真的小孩。

Vernon seizes one of marge ' s feet when ripper appears and attacks vernon ' s leg 弗農抓住了瑪姬的一只腳,利皮在這時沖了出來,咬住了弗農的腿。