
riposte 短語和例子ripost(e)n.1. 【劍術】敏捷的回刺...


If british researchers have their way ( and they will ) , in the near future you ' ll pop a disk into your digital device , plug a wire into your neck , and play a recording that will let you feel every thrust , parry , and riposte of a night in heaven with the woman or man ( or gender - ambiguous entity ) of your fantasies 如果英國研究者能夠成功的話(而且他們一定會成功) ,在不久的將來把光盤放入電子設備,將一根電線植入頸部,并且播放一段錄像帶,你便可以體驗到與一個幻想中的女人或男人(或是性別模糊的實體)如同置身天堂的交媾之夜。

For renault , the spanish grand prix gave the perfect riposte to those who had suggested the team had lost their edge , and that ferrari ' s recent improvement in form marked a fundamental shift in formula one ' s balance of power 對于雷諾來說,西班牙大獎賽正好完美地駁斥了那些認為車隊已經失去優勢,并且法拉利最近狀態的回升已經讓一級方程式的力量均衡發生重大轉變的人。

Combat tree is also pretty standard to adrenaline rush . riposte , improved kick , blade flurry , dual wield spec , precision , aggression , adrenaline rush , mace specialization . nothing in subtlety 格斗系加到興奮激發。要加回刺,強化踢,血刃速攻,雙揮專精,精確,侵攻,錘專精,興奮激發。敏銳系一點不加。

Unless i spec for riposte and they have no weapon chain / stronghold guantlets / death grips etc , beating a warrior without popping evasion becomes a non - possibility 除非我加出[還擊]而且它們沒有[武器鏈] / [要塞護手] / [死亡之握]等等的時候,否則不用閃避而打敗戰士變成不可能了

Americans have a strong taste for slapstick in various forms , and substitute riposte and banter for irony or whimsy , which they tend not to understand 美國人對各種形式的鬧劇非常感興趣,用機敏的回答和玩笑來代替他們所不懂的諷刺和詼諧。

Two rivals stand opposite each other and feint , lunge , parry and riposte until one scores the required number of hits to win 兩名對手相對而立,運用做假動作,沖刺,防守和反擊等戰術,誰率先獲得規定點數,誰就獲勝。

Makes the chance of an opponent riposting an offhand attack 20 % lower per rank 每一階可以降低對手反擊副手武器攻擊機率20 % 。要求:等級66 。

The parry is the main defensive skills , often followed by the counter - riposte 擋、避是主要的防守技術,通常防守中緊跟反還擊。