
ripley n.里普利〔姓氏〕。


Damon s screen credits also include roles in “ saving private ryan , “ the talented mr . ripley , “ ocean s eleven “ and “ syriana . “ he met bozan while she was working as a bartender in florida , allen said . damon is in new york shooting the robert de niro - directed film “ the good shepherd “ with angelina jolie 此后,他所參與過的著名影片數不勝數,所飾演的角色也類型各異,其中包括碟影重重天才瑞普利拯救大兵瑞恩11羅漢確立了他在好萊塢的當紅小生地位。

Damon ' s screen credits also include roles in “ saving private ryan , “ the talented mr . ripley , “ ocean ' s eleven “ and “ syriana . “ he met bozan while she was working as a bartender in florida , allen said 此后,他所參與過的著名影片數不勝數,所飾演的角色也類型各異,其中包括碟影重重天才瑞普利拯救大兵瑞恩11羅漢確立了他在好萊塢的當紅小生地位。

Bernama said shahimi displayed his prowess at a news conference late wednesday by kissing a three - meter long king cobra 21 times . his bid in march will be filmed by u . s . television show ripley ' s believe it or not , bernama said 報道說,哈米德11日在一次記者招待會上當眾展示了自己的非凡勇氣,他連續21次親吻了一條體長達3米的眼鏡王蛇。

Many people see messrs kristol and krauthammer as exhibits in a ripley ' s believe it or not exhibition : they marvel that they can ever have been so influential , rather than want to follow their advice again 許多人將克里斯托爾和克勞海默視作《全球大驚奇》節目中的展示品(他們對自己曾經深有影響倍感驚愕) ,而不想再聽從他們的建議。

Jude s latest rise to fame has been because of talented mr . ripley , the 1999 , in which he plays matt damon s obsession . the film did very well at the box office , and critics loved the acting of jude 這一年,他先是在珀-萊昂po - chih leong的驚險浪漫片鱷魚的智慧“ the wisdom of crocodiles “中他扮演一個可怕的吸血鬼。

When the theme is circumscribed , as in his delightful sketches of george ripley and thoreau , or in his perceptive english traits the product is far more satisfactory than in the unconfined essay 如果題目的范圍有限制,如關于喬治里普利和梭羅的隨筆和那本極有見地的《英國人的性格》 ,就遠比無拘束的散文使人滿意。

When the theme is circumscribed , as in his delightful sketches of george ripley and thoreau , or in his perceptive english traits the product is far more satisfactory than in the unconfined essay 如果題目的范圍有限制,如關于喬治?里普利和梭羅的隨筆和那本極有見地的《英國人的性格》 ,就遠比無拘束的散文使人滿意。

The centralized host system implementation is the dominating approach of wearable computer hardware systems , among which the mit ' s lizzy and zerospin ' s ripley are the most classic 集中主機系統方案是可穿戴計算機最常用的硬件實現方案,典型的系統有mit的lizzy和zerospin公司的riplay系統。

“ ripley s believe it or not odditorium “ and madame tussaud s , both in the peak tower , are two of the famous entertainment and leisure attractions available 太平山頂風景秀麗,更是飲食和購物的好去處,山頂凌霄閣內的ripleys信不信由你!

Currently we present gilbert catv connectors , ripley cablematic tools and trilithic test equipment for the territory of mainland china , with some kind of exclusively 專業從事美制先進有線電視器材及儀器設備的代理工作。

The 210 , 000 square foot plant is located on thirty - five acres approximately three miles north of ripley on hwy 15 該工廠共二十一萬平方英尺,建于三十五英畝的土地之上,位于瑞皮萊以北三英里,處于懷俄明州第15郵政區。

The ripley , mississippi facility was purchased by ecowater systems in september 1997 and expanded in 2002 1997年9月怡口凈水系統公司收購了瑞皮萊.密西西比工廠,并在2002年對該工廠進行了擴大。

Thandie and her husband welcomed a new addition to their family in september 2000 , their daughter ripley 2000年9月坦蒂與丈夫迎來了他們家庭的新成員女兒雷普利。

His bid in march will be filmed by u . s . television show ripley ' s believe it or not , bernama said 本稿件為國際在線專稿,媒體轉載請注明稿件來源和譯者姓名。

2006 captain of the arrow : mr scott walker . lieutenant of the arrow : mr bob ripley 箭頭的2006船長:斯哥特?沃克先生。箭頭的中尉:鮑勃?里普利先生。

But it might be helpful iflt . ripley didn ' t parade around in front ofthe prisoners . . 但愿對她有幫助.里普利不該在囚犯面前走來走去. .

This is ripley 我是里普利

But it might be helpful iflt . ripley didn ' t parade around in front ofthe prisoners 但愿對她有幫助.里普利不該在囚犯面前走來走去

This is ripley . . 我是里普利. .