
ripen vi.成熟;長成 (into)。vt.使成熟;催熟;【醫...


Ideals and passions spur us on , but the fruit of our labor ripens slowly 熱情讓我們散發光彩,理想讓我們甘于等待。

The corn ripens in the sun 農作物在陽光下成熟。

The apples are ripening quickly ; we shall soon be able to pick them 蘋果很快就熟了,不久,我們就把它們摘下來。

Study on evoluation of main characteristics of early - ripening peach cultivars 早熟桃主要品種的生物學性狀評價

Quality standard of ripened vinegar 老陳醋質量標準

Silvered powdered olivetrees . quiet long days : pruning ripening 白晝恬靜而漫長,給樹剪枝,它逐漸成熟了。

The destroyer has fallen on your ripened fruit and grapes 那行毀滅的已經臨到你夏天的果子和你所摘的葡萄。

He ripens it by artificial heat 他用人工熱使它成熟。

Initial report on test on regulation of ripening stage of lubeidongzao jujube 魯北冬棗成熟期調節試驗初報

Recent advance on fruit ripening and softening in molecular biology 果實成熟軟化機理分子生物學的研究進展

The pears will sweeten as they ripen 梨子成熟了會變甜。

Now we see the ripening cro 現在我們看到了成熟的莊稼。

Buds into blossoms , and ripening flowers 蓓蕾綻開花落結實

Now we see the ripening crops 現在我們看到了成熟的莊稼。

Ripen at room temperature and store in the regfrigerator crisper 室溫催熟,保存在冰箱的保鮮盒中。

She was ripened by it in spirit for many suggestions 這一天因為許多的聯想和啟迪,她的心靈成熟了。

Fruits and vegetables - ripening afer cold storage 冷藏后的催熟

Relationship between ripening and senescence of fruits and antioxidase 保護酶與果蔬成熟衰老的關系

I am the sunlight on ripened grain 我是照耀在金色麥芒上的光