
ripe adj.1.成熟的。2.成人的;圓熟的,老練的。3.時機...

ripe beauty

Hygienic standard of ripe fish ball semi - product 熟制魚丸半成品衛生標準

Because you are fuckin ' ripe for political reeducation - 因為你對政治再教育實在太老練-

Hygienic standard of ripe minced fish sausage ripene 熟制魚糜灌腸衛生標準

But as the riper should by time decease , 既然成熟的東西都將隨著時間流逝,

I advise you not to eat fruit that isn ' t ripe 我勸你不要吃沒有熟的水果。

This fruit isn ' t ripe yet ? we can ' t eat it 這水果還沒有熟,我們不能吃。

10 he wiped the dirt from the ripe apple with his pipe 他用煙斗擦掉熟蘋果上的污物。

The crops are now ripe and ready to be harvested 莊稼已經熟了,可以收割了

When tomatoes are ripe , they are red or yellow 成熟的西紅柿呈紅色或黃色。

Some ripe grapes have been scraped into stripes 有些成熟的葡萄被擦成條狀。

Hundreds of them were turning ripe and red by the minute 幾百個紅番茄就要成熟了。

When the grape ripe . . . can i find my love 當葡萄結果時. . .我能找到我的真愛嗎

Can i have a watermelon ? a nice ripe one 我能買一個西瓜嗎?一個熟透的西瓜。

I just wish this apple wasn ' t so damn ripe . what 我只希望這只蘋果還沒有完全成熟

A heart without hope is a heart ripe for depression 沒有希望的心是死氣沉沉的。

Ripe apples are beginning to fall off the trees 成熟的蘋果開始從樹上落下來了。

You must tell it, sir, in a sound latinity when your scholarship is riper or in english if you please . 先生,當你的學識比較成熟的時候,你必須用健全的拉丁語來說,要是你自己樂意,用英語也行。

He was singularly adroit in letting events work for him, and capable of seizing the ripe moment when it came . 他的特別巧妙之處就是使事態向有利于他的方向發展,并且有當機立斷之才。

Tess's delicate and charming look had grown hard and worn, and her ripe mouth tragical . 苔絲嬌艷的面目,顯出死硬失靈,憔悴失潤的神色,豐潤的嘴唇兒,也露出悲傷凄楚的情態。