
riparian adj.河岸[河邊]的;【動物;動物學】岸棲的。n.河岸...


According to the basic rules on the equitable and suitable utilization of water resources of international rivers , the basic approaches to the problem solution of the competing uses among the riparian states , and the three basic models of water resources allocation , along with the analyses of the trend and the contradictions of the water resources competing uses in lancang - mekong river basin , as well as the extent of existing cooperation among the riparian states , the present management mechanisms of the river basin , lack of overall river basin development planning , etc . , it is considered that the overall allocation of the water resources throughout the basin is a suitable and practical model of the lancang - mekong river 依據國際河流水資源公平合理利用的基本原則,水資源競爭利用之矛盾解決的基本方法以及水資源的三種基本分配模式,通過對瀾滄江?湄公河流域水資源利用的趨勢與流域國間的用水矛盾以及現有的流域國間的合作程度、流域的管理機制條件的分析,認為現瀾滄江?湄公河流域內,進行全流域水資源全局分配是較為合理和切合實際的分配模式。

Abstract : the restoration of the riparian vegetation disturbed by human activities is one of the hotspots of watershed ecology . through interpreting the images of remote sensing in 1985 and 1999 , the basic information of forest resources of lushuihe forest bureau , which is a typical forest area of changbai mountain , was obtained with support of gis . by dividing land covers of lushuihe area into 10 types ( water body , residential land , stump land , farming land , wetland , mature conifer forest , midlife conifer forest , mature broadleaf forest , midlife broadleaf forest , and man - made young forest ) and dividing the riparian zone into four buffers ( in turn , 1000 , 2000 , 3000 , 4000 m away from the river ) , the changes of riparian forest resources during 1985 - 1999 were analyzed . the results showed that the deforestation intension has obviously decreased and the whole environment has been evidently improved , but the riparian ecosystem was still flimsy . in buffer 1 , 2 , 3 , the area of midlife conifer forest increased largely , but the areas of other types of land covers all decreased . midlife conifer forest had a comparatively good status in the three buffers . in buffer 4 , midlife conifer forest , mature conifer forest , and mature broadleaf forest formed a forest - age rank that is helpful to stabilize the forest ecosystem and exert its functions . area percentage of wetland decreased in buffer 1 , buffer 2 , and buffer 3 , even in buffer 4 in which forest ecosystem rehabilitated comparatively well , so protecting and rehabilitating wetland is a very difficult task 文摘:本文對兩期遙感圖像進行解譯,并在gis支持下提取露水河林業局主要河流兩岸各緩沖區森林資源信息,經分析得到各類地物在1985年及1999年的變化趨勢.結果表明:在河流沿岸對森林的采伐強度1999年較1985年明顯減小,整體生態環境較1985年有所改善.在緩沖區1 , 2 , 3除中齡針葉林大幅度增加外,其它地物類型面積均減少,由此可以看出,在這三個緩沖區內針葉林得到了較好的恢復.在緩沖區4內,中齡針葉林、成熟針葉林、成熟闊葉林形成一個林齡梯隊,有利于森林生態系統的穩定與功能的發揮,十五年間緩沖區4受到的干擾相對較小.濕地數量在四個緩沖區內均有所減少,雖然在緩沖區4內森林生態系統恢復的較好,但濕地面積仍有所減少,說明保護及恢復濕地資源是一件非常艱巨的任務,必須引起高度重視.圖5表2參12

The ecological riparian zone is a ecological system mainly dominated by the natural condition , which can maintain the biodiversity , decrease the over - exploitation of sources and keep the homeostasis of the ecological system , and then has an important significance to improve the abilities of the self - adjustment and self - healing of the system for the improvement of the human living environment 摘要生態河岸帶是以自然為主導的,能夠維持物種多樣性、減少對資源的剝奪、維護生態系統的動態平衡,對提高系統的自我調節、自我修復能力、改善人類生活環境等方面具有重要的意義。

3 ) the riparian buffer effectiveness is relate to field slope . 8 % slope buffer is more effective than the 5 % slope buffers at decreasing nitrogen . the slope does not seem to play a important key on phosphor concentration decrease . 4 ) a higher percent nitrogen and phosphor decrease is observed in spring compared to autumn and winter . reasons may be attributed to growth of vegetation 坡度為8時,緩沖帶對銨氮、總氮、硝氮的消解率均高于坡度為4時的消解率,兩種不同立地模式,緩沖帶對氮營養鹽的消解率存在差異;而緩沖帶對磷的消解效率受坡度影響不大,沒有顯著差異,說明不同的立地模式對氮磷營養鹽的影響是不同的。

The study contents are as follows : 1 ) analysis on condition of riparian buffers ; 2 ) rebuilding engineer of riparian buffers and design of riparian buffers system ; 3 ) analysis on effect of riparian buffers ; 4 ) maintenance and management mode ; 5 ) analysis on economy benefit of riparian buffer 研究內容包括:濱岸環境條件分析、濱岸工程改造和濱岸緩沖帶體系設計、濱岸緩沖帶的效果試驗分析、濱岸緩沖帶養護和管理模式、濱岸緩沖帶體系的環境經濟效益分析。

In areas where salmon runs are seriously reduced or wiped out , state agencies are now transporting salmon carcasses ? dropping them from helicopters or dispersing them from trucks ? to riparian systems as a restoration effort intended to mimic natural processes until salmon runs return to their historical levels 在鮭魚?游潮大量銳減或消失的地方,美國州政府目前以直升機空投或卡車運送的方式,將鮭魚尸體送入河岸生態系,試圖模擬自然界養份傳遞過程,做為復育手段,直到鮭魚的?游數量回復歷史水準為止。

Based on experimentation study and advanced experience both at home and abroad , the study advances some suggestion on buffer design pattern and management pattern in shanghai , and access the environment benefit of riparian buffer . 5m buffers were documented as reducing the amount of nitrogen and phosphor lost from fields as much as 30 to 70 % above 與銨氮、硝氮相比,緩沖帶對總氮、總磷的消解受季節影響較為明顯;季節對緩沖帶的吸收效果的影響,也說明了在不同季節種植不同的植被,對緩沖帶對營養鹽的吸收效果是很重要的。

Water quality sampling of the wells began in april 2002 and proceeded approximately monthly through december 2003 . by the means of soil and vegetation treatment system , riparian buffers are established between field agriculture and stream in order to reduce contamination flowing stream 通過探索性示范研究,在大田農業與受納水體之間許建立濱岸緩沖帶,利用土壤?植被處理系統的方式,削減農田面源污染物質進入水體的污染負荷。

Based on investigating numerous references in literature both at home and abroad , collection of statistical data and field survey , this paper conducts a primary study on pollution control of agricultural non - point source by means of riparian buffer in shanghai for the first time 本研究選取了上海松江泗涇鎮古樓村為示范區,從2002年4月到2003年12月,在上海首次進行了農業面源污染控制的濱岸緩沖體系的初步研究。

In several studies , researchers correlated the amount of salmon - derived nitrogen or carbon directly with the movements of bears , providing further evidence that their foraging behavior is the mechanism that delivers the salmon nutrients to riparian plants 而好幾項研究中,研究人員都認為鮭魚帶來的氮或碳的多寡,與熊的活動有直接相關,進一步證實了熊的覓食行為,是將鮭魚養份傳遞給河岸植物的機制。

Since the early 1990 s , large - scale residential developments have been proposed at sha lo tung , which would have significant ecological impacts on the streams , and riparian wetland habitats that are important breeding and foraging habitats for invertebrates 九十年代初期,發展商建議在沙羅洞興建大型住宅屋苑,是項計劃必會對該處的河流河岸濕地造成重大的破壞,影響無脊椎動物在該處繁殖及覓食。

At the same time the water system , such as riparian ownership , prior right - , public water right , is analyzed and compared and has proposed the suitability trading water rights in our country . this is the main topic in the whole thesis 同時對河岸權、優先占用權、公共水權等水權制度進行了分析和比較,并提出了可交易水權制度在我國的適用性,并依此作為整篇論文的主旨。

In the longer term , the foraging of all these animals , together with leaching by rain and microbial activity , breaks down the carcasses , making the nitrogen , phosphorus and other nutrients available to riparian plants 經過長遠的時間,所有動物的覓食行為、雨水的過濾與微生物活動,陸續分解了鮭魚尸體,使氮、磷和其他養份有利于河岸植物的生長。

The study on absorption of pesticides will be tested in future . these may offer guide and reference to establish riparian buffer controlling agricultural non - point source in shanghai and other plain districts 根據試驗研究,以及結合國內外的先進經驗,提出了適合上海市情的緩沖帶設計和管理模式,并對緩沖帶進行了環境效益評估。

However , the riparian marshlands and vegetated areas are currently zoned as unspecified uses , which may be developed if there are no restricted uses on these ecologically important areas 然而,河岸的沼澤及長有植被的地區現時劃為未指定用途地區,沒有土地用途限制,可在這些具生態價值的地區進行發展。

The programme can enhance the process of making comprehensive freshwater assessments within individual countries and among groups of countries , such as riparian states that share international watercourses 方案可加強個別國家內和國家群體,例如共享國際水道河岸國間進行全面淡水評估的進程。

Our junior riparian professional programme provides an opportunity for young professional riparian ' s to gain extensive experience in integrated river basin management in a regional inter - governmental context 我們有一個項目為流域內年輕的科學家跨機構學習流域綜合管理提供機會。

Each plot is 12m long , 5m wide . a groundwater monitoring well nest is installed at the field buffer edge and the stream edge in the middle of each riparian buffer plot 每個樣點的農田與緩沖帶之間及緩沖帶與河流之間都設置了0 . 7m和1m兩個不同深度的pvc管,用以收集水樣。

It had evoked serious concern in new delhi fearing that change in the flow of rivers from china could harm interests in the lower riparian regions of india 報道引起了新德里的高度關注,政府擔心由中國境內流入的河流量的變化會損害下游地區印度的利益。