
rip 短語和例子rip2vt.(ripped ripping)...

rip cord

If i see you again , i ' ll rip your mouth off 再讓我看見你我把你的嘴唇咬下來

He slams her against the wall , ripping her skirt 他把她頂在墻上,用力撕扯她的裙子

And you wrote me a letter that ripped my heart out 還有你寫給我的信傷透了我的心

I ripped it ' cause i don ' t want to bring any trouble 我把他撕掉,是怕它會帶來麻煩

Ripping ! killing ! killing ! choking ! lawyers ! dentists 真棒!殺了它!殺了它!

Scott eww ! what a rip ! there ' s no nude girls here , 什么東西嘛!一個裸女也沒有

[ scott ] jesus , these guys are ripping people off 上帝啊,那些家伙做騙人的勾當

A rip file is generated when a server crashes Rip文件是在服務器崩潰時產生的。

She rips out at him , “ you ' re no gentleman . 她破口大罵: “你這個人真不象話。 ”

She ripped a clean sheet up to make bandages 他扯破一條乾凈的床單,以做繃帶。

Woodworking machines . ripping circular saws . accuracy tests 縱剖木工圓鋸機精度

[ scott ] eww ! what a rip ! there ' s no nude girls here , 什么東西嘛!一個裸女也沒有

Do not start ripping components out or swapping parts 先別開始拆組件或換部件。

I asked my mother to sew up this rip in my sleeve 我讓母親縫上我袖子上的裂縫。

With the fine criminal mind , cold rips like a blade 每一暗每一暗猶原孤單無變化

In a word, rip was ready to attend to anybody's business but his own; but as to doing family duty, and keeping his farm in order, he found it impossible . 總之,瑞普這個人除了自己的事情,無論哪樣的事他都愿意干;如果要他在家里干點家務,料理自己的田地,他就覺得有些辦不到了。

Faber's oilskin caught on a thorny bush and he almost fell before he tugged the material free with a loud ripping sound . 費伯的雨衣被帶刺的灌木掛住了,他打一個趔趄,把雨衣撕了個大口子。

The sand carried outside the bar is spread out over the slope by the expanding head of the rip current . 從砂洲外面搬出去的砂質物,在急流的洶涌水頭作用下被展布于整個斜坡上。

They always wanted me to fix president's swim suits because wheelchair ripped holes in them . 他們總是要我給總統縫補游泳衣,因為輪椅把游泳衣戳穿了一些洞。