
riotous adj.擾亂性的;暴動的;鬧飲的,喝酒狂鬧的;放蕩的;吵...


Let all the strains of joy mingle in my last song ? the joy that makes the earth flow over in the riotous excess of the grass , the joy that sets the twin brothers , life and death , dancing over the wide world , the joy that sweeps in with the tempest , shaking and waking all life with laughter , the joy that sits still with its tears on the open red lotus of pain , and the joy that throws everything it has upon the dust , and knows not a word 讓一切歡樂的歌調都融和在我最后的歌中? ?那使大地草海歡呼搖動的快樂,那使生和死兩個孿生弟兄,在廣大的世界上跳舞的快樂,那和暴風雨一同卷來,用笑聲震撼驚醒一切的生命的快樂,那含淚默坐在盛開的痛苦的紅蓮上的快樂,那不知所謂,把一切所有拋擲于塵埃中的快樂。

Chengdou wangjiang hotel is the five - star water - round garden hotel , located in the historic culture city dongyu of chengdu city , near the two - circle road and chengyu highway . the hotel takes up an area of more than 200 mu , assemble thousands of kinds of flowers and trees of masterpiece , long - term green shade is covered densely , the birds and flowers are in riotous profusion ; a waterside pavilion of pavilion , the brook is murmuring , there are top - grade villas that are set off into it even more , the natural human cultural sight enhances each other s beauty , become garden type one of the hotels the city 成都望江賓館成都望江賓館是一家環水大園林五星級賓館,位于歷史文化名城成都市東隅,近鄰二環路和成渝高速公路,距飛機場15公里,火車站9公里,交通便捷。賓館占地200馀畝,薈萃精品花木上千種,常年綠蔭濃蓋,花鳥繽紛亭臺水榭,溪流潺潺,更有高檔別墅掩映其中,自然人文景觀交相輝映,是成都市園林式賓館之一。

Imitate to spend such as the smoke of the rich in hues and bright color , fully in night the gleam moves , we know , that is character that humanistic ray of light , in this one stimulate visual and riotous and bright color , flow out now make open ; these gorgeous brilliances , deserve to go to with the whole life the classic keep 仿如斑斕亮色的煙花,盡情在醇夜中閃動,我們可知道,那是人性的光芒,在這一片刺激視覺的繽紛亮色里,涌現著張揚的個性;這些絢麗光彩,值得用一生去典藏。

Time sequence enters spring and summer , make people experience the living again , lively atmosphere in riotous profusion of earth too , sharp fashion smell the breath already , take place and think with animal , flowers and plants of natural imagination ; in addition , prevailed by the trend of back - to - ancients , popular element that dress designing not merely dates back to last century , accompany people burned 50s ' and 60s ' the heavy cartoon personage , become subject matter of designing too 時序進入春夏,也令人愈感受到大地重生、繽紛熱鬧的氛圍,敏銳的流行時尚早已嗅到這股氣息,以大自然中的動物、花草等作為發想;另外,受到復古風的盛行,服裝設計不僅回溯到上個世紀的流行元素,甚至于陪伴五、六年級生長大的卡通人物,也成為設計題材。

Like dewdrop early in the morning , transparent gentle a gentle one , meet those wisp of sunshine of hers , waiting to bring the color conscientiously , the small body is mirroring the world in riotous profusion , smiling , the evaporation has disappeared gradually , who does not know , she has already dissolved into the arms which have belonged to her , has dissolved into the whole world 如同清早的露珠,透明的柔柔的,相遇了她的那縷陽光,認真的等待著帶來色彩,小小的身軀映出了繽紛的世界,微笑著,漸漸地蒸發消失,孰不知,她已溶入了屬于她的懷抱,溶入了整個世界。

The director finally appears , but he is soon entangled with the trouble makers on the set and pressure from his financers ; not before long , the actors are starting to get riotous … a black comedy and a satire of the movie set being “ hell “ , a self - mockery on the perils of being a director 它主要講述一群苦候拍攝電影的人,因導演失蹤、器材不見,唯有在冠冕堂皇的西班牙酒店內有如行尸走肉四處飄浮,直至導演出現,大家才抖擻精神。

Our hotel ' s perfect , swift commercial facility and pluralistic recreational facilities make you deal with the commercial business efficiently and easily , can unfold the body and mind with abandon , enjoy the colorful life in riotous profusion 酒店設施完善、快捷的商務設施和多元化的休閑、娛樂設施令您在輕松高效地處理商務業務的同時,更能盡情舒展身心,享受繽紛多彩的生活。

“ in the shadow of heshbon the fugitives stand without strength ; for a fire has gone forth from heshbon and a flame from the midst of sihon , and it has devoured the forehead of moab and the scalps of the riotous revelers 耶48 : 45躲避的人、無力站在希實本的影下因為有火從希實本發出、有火焰出于西宏的城、燒盡摩押的角、和哄嚷人的頭頂。

Nana was annoyed at this riotous entry , called to the waiters who still remained in the kitchen and ordered them to throw these individuals out of doors . she vowed that she had never seen any of them before 她呼喚呆在廚房里的侍者,叫他們把那群人趕出去她發誓說,這幫人她從來沒見過。

Though time sequence still stays in the hospitable spring and summer in riotous profusion , enclose and already lead the hot temperature and march toward early autumn in fashion 時序雖然還停留在熱情繽紛的春夏,時尚圈早已領先炎熱的氣溫邁入早秋

The binqi adornment , more in riotous profusionly , will go to intersperse the excellence of the cell - phone more novelly , demonstrate the beautiful melody of the cell - phone 繽奇飾品,將更繽紛地,更新奇地去點綴手機的精彩,演繹手機美的旋律。

And not many days after the younger son gathered all together , and took his journey into a far country , and there wasted his substance with riotous living 過了不多幾天,小兒子收拾一切,到遠方去了,在那里生活放蕩,浪費錢財。

Music makes the life of person ' s door in riotous profusion colorful , the world that has no music is desolate , the life same that has no music is sad 音樂讓人門的生活繽紛多彩,沒有音樂的世界是荒涼的,沒有音樂的人生同樣可悲。

How have you been spending it ? in riotous orgies and debauchery , taking everything from society and giving nothing in return 在狂歡暴飲和淫逸的生活中,您向社會得到一切,卻未為它作出任何貢獻。

Riotous scenes of celebration erupted with manager mourinho joining his players for a group hug on the edge of the pitch “放肆”的慶祝場面一噴即發,穆里尼奧和他的隊員們緊緊擁抱在球場邊緣。

He could not stand them any more than he could stand the stupid first - cabin passengers and the riotous young people 容忍這些人并不比容忍一等艙那些愚蠢的旅客和鬧翻了天的年輕人容易。

To refuse access to the railway premises to any person acting in a riotous , disorderly or offensive manner 拒絕讓任何可能?事、行為不檢或作出使人反感的行為的人士進入鐵路處所;

It ' s my hen night : what a riotous night i had at the trendy bar solo in camden , north london 新娘獨白:這是我所參加的婚前女子派對:這是一個多么美妙的狂歡之夜啊!

Whoso keepeth the law is a wise son : but he that is a companion of riotous men shameth his father 7謹守律法的是智慧之子。與貪食人作伴的,卻羞辱其父。