
rioter n.1.鬧亂子的人,騷亂者,暴徒。2.鬧飲者,喝酒狂鬧的...


Mother s milk , purefoy , the milk of human kin , milk too of those burgeoning stars overhead , rutilant in thin rainvapour , punch milk , such as those rioters will quaff in their guzzlingden , milk of madness , the honeymilk of canaan s land . thy cow s dug was tough , what ? ay , but her milk is hot and sweet and fattening 母親的乳汁,普里福伊,人類的乳汁307 ,也是在上空化為稀薄的水蒸氣,灼灼生輝,擴展開來的銀河的乳汁,放蕩者在酒店里咕嘟咕嘟狂飲的潘趣308奶,瘋狂的乳汁,迦南樂土的奶與蜜309 ,母牛的奶頭挺堅硬,是嗎?

A curfew is in place in afghanistan after rioting ripped through the streets . rioters chanting “ death to america “ set fires and stoned us military vehicles after a deadly accident 在阿富汗暴力運動席卷了大街小巷后實行了禁宵令。在一次有傷亡的事件后施暴者唱著“美國去死吧” ,他們放火、向美軍車輛投擲石塊。

Think back for a minute , of th e many of the news reports you have read about indonesia , can & nbsp ; you think of one which mentioned the number of chinese kil led in by the malay rioters 停下來想一想,在您看到的新聞報道中,您能記得有哪一家提到在暴亂中喪生的華人人數嗎?

Think back for a minute , of the many of the news reports you have read about indonesia , can ' t you think of one which mentioned the number of chinese kil led in by the malay rioters 停下來想一想,在您看到的新聞報道中,您能記得有哪一家提到在暴亂中喪生的華人人數嗎?

Think back for a minute , of the many of the news reports you have read about indonesia , can you think of one which mentioned the number of chinese killed in by the malay rioters 停下來想一想,在您看到的新聞報道中,您能記得有哪一家提到在暴亂中喪生的華人人數嗎?

In another instance , a brother initiate was on his way home when the bus carrying him was held up by rioters . normally , no one could get away unharmed in such a situation 另一位師兄有一次在回家途中,所搭乘的公車被暴徒攔截,通常在這種情況下是很難幸免于難的。

They lost not only their businesses , they lost their h ome , and they lost many of their family members who were & nb sp ; killed by the indonesian malay rioters 他們不僅失去了生存的依靠,失去了家園,更失去了被印尼馬來暴亂者奪去了生命的親人。

People hope the indonesian side will take a serious attitude and take forceful measures to severely punish the rioters 人們希望印尼方面以嚴肅態度正視事實,采取有力措施,嚴懲不法之徒

What is the percentage of those news reports even talked about the chinese who were brutally butchered by the rioters 有多少新聞報道談及被暴亂者殘無人道地屠殺的華人?

Don ' t get me wrong . i believe in helping refugees , but not rioters 別誤會。我贊成幫助難民,卻反對暴亂分子。

Rioter attack the bank and post office 暴徒們襲擊銀行和郵局。

The rioters were brought under completely 暴亂者最終被完全制服了。

This serious incident was staged by a mob of rioters 這個嚴重的事件是一群暴徒策動的。

The rioters were forcibly removed from the plaza 暴徒們被強行驅逐出廣場。

The magistrates wanted to raise some strength to subdue the rioters . 地方行政長官想糾集一些力量來鎮壓亂民。

A body of rioters attacked mr. moore's mill last night . 昨兒晚上,有一群暴動者襲擊了穆爾先生的工廠。

Rioters donned handkerchiefs as gas masks . 暴亂者扎上手帕捂住口鼻作為防毒面具。

The judge dealt out harsh sentences to the rioters . 法官對暴亂者處以嚴刑。