
riot n.1.騷亂;暴動;暴亂,騷動;混亂。2.放蕩;鬧飲,嘈...

riot act

The outbreak of riot caused many people to die 暴亂的發生使很多人喪生。

Study on anti - chinese riots in java in early 20th century 20世紀初期爪哇排華運動探析

But his heart was in a constant , turbulent riot 但是他的內心卻經常處于激蕩不安之中。

As dermatological conferences go , it was a riot 是個皮膚學的會議,很混亂

Things have simmered down since the riots last week 自上周騷動以來,事態已平靜下來了

Flowers of all sorts are blooming in a riot of color 百花盛開,萬紫千紅。

On the communal riot in indian nationalist movement 試論印度民族主義運動中的教派沖突

The birds were fairly rioting by this time 這時很多鳥兒嘰嘰喳喳鬧得更歡了。

These people made it through the bugs and the riots . . 這里的人造成了瘋狂和暴亂. .

Why were the mob likely to riot in consequence 結果,民眾便會暴動,這是為什么呢?

A mob was rioting against the municipal government 一群暴民鬧事反對市政府。

Instead , he ' s left it up to the imagination to run riot 他留下了巨大的想象空間。

The riots swept the industrial north and midlands 暴亂席卷北方工業區和中部地區。

“ one riot , one ranger . “ you ever heard that 一個暴徒,一個巡邏兵你聽過這個嗎?

Lionel : yeah ! i know some that are a riot ! come on 我知道一些很搞笑的。跟我來!

These people made it through the bugs and the riots 這里的人造成了瘋狂和暴亂

The president ' s speech set off a series of riots 總統的演說引發一連串的暴動。

A riot ! a fuckin ' riot ! when i get crazy mad i 暴動!一場暴動!我快被逼瘋了!

Jay , there ' re riots in the plaza . let ' s turn back Jay ,廣場上有暴動.我們回頭吧