
rinse n.嗽洗;漂洗,漂清。 vt.嗽(口);(用清水)刷;涮...


Give the plate a final rinse in cold water 將餐具放在冷水里最后沖洗一次。

Rinse rice in a sieve until water runs clear 取一只篩子,淘米,然后空干。

Then rinse the hands with water and dry them 然后將手用水沖洗干凈并涼干。

Wall - hung hand rinse basins - connecting dimensions 墻掛式洗手盆.連接尺寸

Pressureless discharge of rinsing water to water drain 洗水無壓排放到廢水排放管道。

Blanch shrimp and rinse with cold water . set aside 蝦仁燙熟后沖涼水備用。

Then rinse the hands with water and dry them 然后用水沖洗干凈雙手并且涼干。

Dentistry - oral hygiene products - oral rinses 牙科學.口腔衛生產品.口腔沖洗

First , you are to rinse your body with hot water 首先用熱水來沖洗您的身體。

Then rinse hands with water and dry them 然后用水沖洗干凈手,并且將其擦干。

Go give the dishes to that lady . rinse it off first 把碟子洗干凈后交給那女士

Both slot and nozzle rinsing are investigated 吾人探討溝式及噴嘴式兩種洗滌。

Rinse your hair thoroughly after shampooing it 用洗發劑洗頭,要把頭發沖洗乾凈

Dentistry - oral hygiene products - oral rinses 牙科學.口腔衛生制品.口腔沖洗

Leave on for 5 minutes and then rinse with warm water 靜等五分鐘后再用溫水洗凈。

And it ' s good rinse for the people who put you here 對那些捧紅你的人也有好處

Rinse the probe end and cable in clean water 在干凈的水中漂洗灘頭末端和導線。

Rinse and slice into strips the sea cucumbers and tendons 海參蹄筋治凈,切條

Pulp pulp wash rinsing equipment soda recovery epuipment 堿回收設備為造紙廠提供