
rink n.(室內)溜冰場;(冰上)溜石游戲場;(草地)木球場。...


This rink is one of three that will stay open through the holidays 這個滑冰場是在假期一直開放的三個場所之一。

Some fool challenged sweetness in the middle ofthe rink to a skate - off 幾個傻冒竟然在大庭廣眾下挑戰斯威尼斯

How ' d you score the rink time 你的滑冰得分怎么樣?

This rink is one of three that will stay open through the holidays 這個溜冰場是整個假期都開放的三個之一。

Calm down , okay ? the kids were gonna ride the bus to the rink 冷靜一點,行嗎?孩字們原打算坐公車去冰場

I think i ' d rather go to the rink 我想我寧愿去旱冰場。

I thought this was a public rink 我以為這是個公共滑冰場

I ' m at the skating rink at westerly 我在維斯特利的滑冰場

I ' m at the skating rink at westeriy 我在維斯特利的滑冰場

Weii , i mean the rink was a pit when my mom bought it 我媽媽買下它的時候,那個滑冰場原來只是一個大坑

Well , i mean the rink was a pit when my mom bought it 我媽媽買下它的時候,那個滑冰場原來只是一個大坑

I thought this was a pubiic rink 我以為這是個公共滑冰場

This rink is one of three that will stay open through the holidays 它個是三個假期開放的滑雪場之一。

This rink is one of three that will stay open through the holidays 這個滑冰場是假期三個開放之一。

I thought this was a public rink . . 我以為這是個公共滑冰場. .

I thought this was a pubiic rink . . 我以為這是個公共滑冰場. .

The capital city ' s new ice skating rink opened this weekend 這個周末,一個新的室內溜冰場開張了。

The rink . tomorrow , 5 : 30a . m . , and get a good night ' s sieep 滑冰場,明天早上, 5點半今晚睡個好覺

The rink . tomorrow , 5 : 30a . m . , and get a good night ' s sleep 滑冰場,明天早上, 5點半今晚睡個好覺