
ringworm 【醫學】輪癬,金錢癬。


Modern medical uses include : bronchitis , diarrhea , dysentery , hyperthyroidism , stretch marks , thrush , ulcers , vaginal thrush , viral hepatitis , asthma , athlete ' s foot , candida , catarrh ( mucus ) , coughs , eczema , digestion , dyspepsia ( impaired digestion ) , flatulence ( gas ) , fungal infections , gingivitis , gum infections , hemorrhoids , support immune system , mouth ulcers , decongest prostate gland , ringworms , sore throats , skin conditions ( chapped and cracked ) , skin inflammation , wounds , and wrinkles , toothpastes , mouthwashes , cosmetics , and food flavorings 現代的醫藥用途包括:支氣管炎,腹瀉,痢疾,甲狀腺機能亢進,緊張,鵝口瘡,潰瘍,陰道的鵝口瘡,哮喘,腳癬,粘膜炎,咳嗽,濕疹,消化不良,腸胃氣脹,真菌感染,齒齦炎,齒齦感染,痔瘡,支持免疫系統,口潰瘍,解除前列腺充血,癬茵病,咽喉痛,皮膚問題(干燥和裂開) ,皮膚發炎,傷口和皺紋,還可用作牙膏,漱口水,化妝品和食物調味料。

Mold also called fungi , is the clinical than a common infection , according to the site of infection depth , roughly divided into shallow and deep infection two types of infection , infection shallow referring to the violation of the skin , hair , fingers ( toe ) first class , aroused body ringworm , tinea versicolor and foot conditions , such as tinea capitis 霉菌也稱真菌,是臨床較常見的一種感染,根據其感染的部位深淺,大體分為淺部感染和深部感染兩類,淺部感染是指侵犯皮膚、毛發、指(趾)甲等處,引起體癬、花斑癬、手足癬、頭癬等。

She is a hoary pandemonium of ills , enlarged glands , mumps , quinsy , bunions , hayfever , bedsores , ringworm , floating kidney , derbyshire neck , warts , bilious attacks , gallstones , cold feet , varicose veins . a truce to threnes and trentals and jeremies and all such congenital defunctive music 她是各種疾病盤踞的自發魔窟:瘰疬流行性腮腺炎扁桃體周膿腫拇趾囊腫脹枯草熱褥瘡金錢癬浮游腎甲狀腺腫瘊子膽汁病膽結石冷血癥和靜脈瘤。

Be like : favus of the scalp , ringworm of the body , tinea , brothers tinea , tinea versicolor ; it is to encroach subcutaneous tissue and splanchnic fungus , the disease that causes calls deep fungus disease 如:頭癬、體癬、股癬、手足癬、花斑癬等;一是侵犯皮下組織及內臟的真菌,所引起的疾病稱為深部真菌病。

Veterinary formula may be helpful in dealing with ringworm , mud fever and contaminated wounds . it is not recommended for deep puncture wounds . always seek veterinary advice 獸醫公式可能有助于處理癬,泥發燒及污染傷口。這是不推薦用于深部穿刺傷。一直尋求獸醫師的意見。

Ben : alright , i ' d find sometimes to “ la new ” shop to pick one perfect airwave shoes ! and buy a “ lamisil spray ” to kill the damn ringworm ! 那我建議你買雙吸汗棉襪,再選一雙透氣的鞋子讓你的腳可”深呼吸” !

When treating ringworm of the body , if have brothers tinea , fingernail tinea , must treat at the same time , otherwise ineradicable 治療體癬時,若有手足癬、指甲癬,必須同時治療,否則不能根除。

If ringworm of the body is extensive person , can take griseofulvin or ketone health zun , 3 is one period of treatment 4 weeks 若體癬廣泛者,可服灰黃霉素或酮康唑, 3 4周為一療程。

Tao zi nods , saying in her heart , “ damned cockroach ! please never transmit foot ringworm to me 陶子點了點頭,心想: “狗蟑螂,拜托別把腳癬傳染給我。 ”

They are said to cure everything from rheumatism to ringworm , colic to snakebite ? the lot 據說他們可治百病?從風濕到金錢癬,從疝痛的蛇咬傷?全都能治。

Expression of ringworm of the body is erythema papula , blister , show cricoid or coin shape 體癬表現為紅斑丘疹、水皰,呈環狀或錢幣狀。

Underwear boil disinfection also is the important step that treats ringworm of the body 內衣煮沸消毒也是治療體癬的重要措施。

Fit to all kinds of skin , especially good for dark spot , ringworm and eczema 亦具有防曬功能,可用于身體防曬。

Athlete s foot ringworm of the foot , tinea pedis 足癬腳濕氣香港腳