
ringleted adj.有(長)鬈發的;成(長)鬈發狀的。


From every enjoyment i was , of course , excluded : my share of the gaiety consisted in witnessing the daily apparelling of eliza and georgiana , and seeing them descend to the drawing - room , dressed out in thin muslin frocks and scarlet sashes , with hair elaborately ringleted ; and afterwards , in listening to the sound of the piano or the harp played below , to the passing to and fro of the butler and footman , to the jingling of glass and china as refreshments were handed , to the broken hum of conversation as the drawing - room door opened and closed 在蓋茨黑德,圣誕節和元旦照例喜氣洋洋地慶祝一番,相互交換禮物,舉行圣誕晚餐和晚會,當然,這些享受一概與我無緣,我的那份樂趣是每天眼睜睜瞧著伊麗莎和喬治亞娜的裝束,看她們著薄紗上衣,系大紅腰帶,披著精心制作的卷發下樓到客廳去。隨后傾聽樓下彈奏鋼琴和豎琴的聲音,管家和仆人來來往往的腳步聲,上點心時杯盤磕碰的叮咚聲,隨著客廳門啟閉時斷時續傳來的談話聲,聽膩了。

The other was as certainly georgiana : but not the georgiana i remembered - the slim and fairy - like girl of eleven . this was a full - blown , very plump damsel , fair as waxwork , with handsome and regular features , languishing blue eyes , and ringleted yellow hair 這是一位已經完全長成十分豐滿的年輕姑娘,有著白得像蠟制品的膚色,端正漂亮的五官,含情脈脈的藍眼睛,黃色的卷發。

Davy stephens , ringleted , passes with a bevy of barefoot newsboys 最仁慈之產婆,為我等祈。