
ringlet n.1.小環;小圈。2.(長)鬈發。


The mistress visited her often in the interval , and commenced her plan of reform by trying to raise her self - respect with fine clothes and flattery , which she took readily ; so that , instead of a wild , hatless little savage jumping into the house , and rushing to squeeze us all breathless , there alighted from a handsome black pony a very dignified person , with brown ringlets falling from the cover of a feathered beaver , and a long cloth habit , which she was obliged to hold up with both hands that she might sail in 在這期間,女主人常常去看她,開始了她的改革計劃。先試試用漂亮衣服和奉承話來提高她的自尊心,她也毫不猶豫地接受了。因此,她不再是一個不戴帽子的小野人跳到屋里,沖過來把我們摟得都喘不過氣,而是從一匹漂亮的小黑馬身上下來一個非常端莊的人,棕色的發卷從一支插著羽毛的海貍皮帽子里垂下來,穿一件長長的布質的騎馬服。

She was slender , and apparently scarcely past girlhood : an admirable form , and the most exquisite little face that i have ever had the pleasure of beholding ; small features , very fair ; flaxen ringlets , or rather golden , hanging loose on her delicate neck ; and eyes , had they been agreeable in expression , they would have been irresistible : fortunately for my susceptible heart , the only sentiment they evinced hovered between scorn , and a kind of desperation , singularly unnatural to be detected there 淡黃色的卷發,或者不如說是金黃色的,松松地垂在她那細嫩的頸上。至于眼睛,要是眼神能顯得和悅些,就要使人無法抗拒了。對我這容易動情的心說來倒是常事,因為它們所表現的只是在輕蔑與近似絕望之間的一種情緒,而在那張臉上看見那樣的眼神是特別不自然的。

Seen now , in broad day - light , she looked tall , fair , and shapely ; brown eyes with a benignant light in their irids , and a fine pencilling of long lashes round , relieved the whiteness of her large front ; on each of her temples her hair , of a very dark brown , was clustered in round curls , according to the fashion of those times , when neither smooth bands nor long ringlets were in vogue ; her dress , also in the mode of the day , was of purple cloth , relieved by a sort of spanish trimming of black velvet ; a gold watch watches were not so common then as now shone at her girdle 這會兒大白天,她看上去高挑個子,皮膚白皙,身材勻稱,棕色的眸子透出慈祥的目光細長似畫的睫毛,襯托出了她又白又大的前額,兩鬢的頭發呈暗棕色,按一流行式洋束成圓圓的卷發,當時光滑的發辮和長長的卷發,并沒有成為時尚。她的服裝,也很時髦,紫顏色布料,用一種黑絲絨西班牙飾邊加以烘托。一只金表當時手表不像如今這么普通在她腰帶上閃光。

At every jump , too , hands appeared still more to sink into himself and settle down upon the deck , his feet sliding ever the farther out , and the whole body canting towards the stern , so that his face became , little by little , hid from me ; and at last i could see nothing beyond his ear and the frayed ringlet of one whisker 同樣,船每震動一下,漢茲的腿就伸得更遠些,整個身體愈來愈靠近船尾,我漸漸看不到他的臉,最后只能看到他的一只耳朵和一絡稀少蓬松的胡子。

Afterwards , take a piece of smooth ivory - you have one prepared in your drawing - box : take your palette , mix your freshest , finest , clearest tints ; choose your most delicate camel - hair pencils ; delineate carefully the loveliest face you can imagine ; paint it in your softest shades and sweetest hues , according to the description given by mrs . fairfax of blanche ingram ; remember the raven ringlets , the oriental eye ; - what “然后,拿出一塊光滑的象牙來你在畫盒子里有一塊備著:拿出你的調色板,把你最新最漂亮最明潔的色澤調起來,選擇你最精細的駱駝毛畫筆,仔細地畫出你所能想象的最漂亮的臉蛋,根據費爾法克斯太太對布蘭奇.英格拉姆的描繪,用最柔和的濃淡差別,最甜蜜的色澤來畫。

She bounded before me , and returned to my side , and was off again like a young greyhound ; and , at first , i found plenty of entertainment in listening to the larks singing far and near , and enjoying the sweet , warm sunshine ; and watching her , my pet , and my delight , with her golden ringlets flying loose behind , and her bright cheek , as soft and pure in its bloom as a wild rose , and her eyes radiant with cloudless pleasure 她在我前面跳著,又回到我身旁,然后又跑掉了,活像個小獵狗起初我覺得挺有意思,聽著遠遠近近百靈鳥歌唱著,享受著那甜蜜的溫暖的陽光,瞧著她,我的寶貝,我的歡樂,她那金黃色的卷發披散在后面,放光的臉兒像朵盛開的野玫瑰那樣溫柔和純潔,眼睛散發著無憂無慮的快樂的光輝。

I saw , besides , many old sailors , with rings in their ears , and whiskers curled in ringlets , and tarry pigtails , and their swaggering , clumsy sea - walk ; and if i had seen as many kings or archbishops i could not have been more delighted 此外,我看到了許多老水手,耳朵上戴著耳環,蓄著繞腮的一圈大胡子,辮子上涂著柏油,邁著搖擺笨拙的水手步即便見到同樣多的國王和大主教,我也不會這樣開心。

Its owner stood behind ; her light , shining ringlets blending , at intervals , with his brown locks , as she bent to superintend his studies ; and her face - it was lucky he could not see her face , or he would never have been so steady 有這小手的人站在后面在她俯身指導他讀書時,她的輕柔發光的卷發有時和他的棕色頭發混在一起了而她的臉幸虧他看不見她的臉,不然他決不會這么安穩。

I m sure i m not ada , she said , for her hair goes in such long ringlets , and mine doesn t go in ringlets at all ; and i m sure i can t be mabel , for i know all sorts of things , and she , oh “我敢說,我不是愛達, ”愛麗絲說, “因為她是長長的卷發,而我的根本不卷。我肯定不是瑪貝爾,因為我知道各種各祥的事情,而她,哼!

The - door of ruttledge s office creaked again . davy stephens , minute in a large capecoat , a small felt hat crowning his ringlets , passed out with a roll of papers under his cape , a king s courier 小個子戴維斯蒂芬斯5嚴嚴實實地披著一件大斗篷,鬈發上是一頂小氈帽,斗篷下抱著一卷報紙,擺出一副國王信使的架勢踱了出去。

Her purple riding - habit almost swept the , ground , her veil streamed long on the breeze ; mingling with its transparent folds , and gleaming through them , shone rich raven ringlets 她那紫色的騎裝差不多己掃到了地面,她的面紗長長地在微風中飄動,她那烏黑濃密的卷發,同它透明的折裥繞在一起,透過面紗閃動著光芒。

The snow - flakes fell on her long & def fair hair & def which curled in such pretty ringlets over her shoulders ; but she thought not of her own beauty & def or of the cold 雪花落在她那金黃色的頭發上? ?長長的卷發披散在肩上,看起來十分美麗,可她想不到自己的漂亮。

The snow - flakes fell on her long , fair hair , which curled in such pretty ringlets over her shoulders ; but she thought not of her own beauty , or of the cold 雪花落在她那金[非法內容]的頭發上? ?長長的卷發披散在肩上,看起來十分美麗,可她想不到自己的漂亮。

The snow - flakes fell on her long , fair hair , which curled in such pretty ringlets over her shoulders ; but she thought not of her own beauty , or of the cold 雪花落在她那金黃色的頭發上? ?長長的卷發披散在肩上,看起來十分美麗,可她想不到自己的漂亮。

The noble bust , the sloping shoulders , the graceful neck , the dark eyes and black ringlets were all there ; - but her face 高高的胸部傾斜的肩膀美麗的頸項烏黑的眸子和黑油油的卷發,一應俱全但她的臉呢?

Zoe ushered in a tall old lady who wore ringlets and looked like a countess who haunts lawyers offices 佐愛領進來的老太太,高高的個子,滿頭鬈發,模樣像一個使訴訟代理人厭煩的伯爵夫人。

That keep the stability of the ringlet . the following photo shows the shepherd satellites of the ring of uranus ,它們的引力作用,有牧羊犬的作用,可以把離群的碎片趕回光環之內。

In closer look , there are many gaps between the ringlets , the most obvious one is the 只要細心留意,便會發覺土星光環在有很多寬窄不一的狹縫,最明顯的首推

Cored coat ? ? a coat in which the hair normally forms tight ringlets as in the komondor and puli 繩狀被毛。這種被毛通常卷的非常緊,像可蒙多犬和波利犬。