
ringer n.1.敲鐘[搖鈴]的人;鳴鐘[鈴]裝置;電鈴。2.〔口...


For the gill tissue , the best method is to dip the tissue in ringers solution for 10 minutes , then 50 minutes in 0 . 04 % colchicines solution , 30 minutes in 0 . 075m potassium chloride solution , fixation by carnoy ' s ; for the embryo , it is better to use 0 . 02 % colchicines for 2 . 5 hours and potassium chloride for 20 minutes 研究結果表明,針對鰓絲組織,取材后,使用ringers液或消毒海水中漂洗10分鐘;海水配0 . 04的秋水仙素處理50分鐘; 0 . 075m氯化鉀低滲30分鐘;正常固定滴片制備的染色體形態、分散良好。

On the basis of the sprinkler systems “ ringed arrangements , fem is used to build mathematic model of sprinkler systems . the mathematic model applies to both the ringer arrangements and the ramiform arrangements . vb6 . 0 is used to compile caculation program , and a practical engineering use it to caculate 在自噴系統環狀布置的基礎上,采用有限單元法建立了同時適用與枝狀管網和環狀管網的自噴系統水力計算的數學模型,采用vb6 . 0編寫計算程序,并用該程序對一示例工程進行實際應用。

With the analysis of the document , it was clear that the variation of weight was one of the objective standards of determing the time of hasten parturition . in practice the variations of weight of every parent should be surveyed as a scientific basis of hasten parturition 3 .低濃度的hoif氏原液和井水(濃度待測)能明顯促進精子運動;較高濃度的ringer氏原液妨礙精子運動。 4 .用干濕法授精,添加精子稀釋液。

As they came out of church the ringers swung the bells off their rests , and a modest peal of three notes broke forth - that limited amount of expression having been deemed sufficient by the church builders for the joys of such a small parish 他們從教堂出來的時候,撞鐘人正在把鐘推動起來,于是一陣三組音調的質樸鐘聲響起來對于這樣一個小教區來說,建造教堂的人認為這種有限的鐘聲已經足夠了。

We randomly assigned 383 children with moderately severe shock to receive ringer ' s lactate , 6 percent dextran 70 ( a colloid ) , or 6 percent hydroxyethyl starch ( a colloid ) and 129 children with severe shock to receive one of the colloids 我們隨機分配383例中重度休克兒童接受乳酸鈉林格注射液、 6 %右旋糖酐70 (一種膠體液)或6 %羥乙基淀粉(一種膠體液) , 129例重度休克兒童接受兩種膠體液中的一種。

3 . using clamp technique , ex vivo gene transfer into liver graft was performed during cold preservation via perfusion of the portal vein with 5ml ringer ' s solution containing replication - defective adenovirus vector adhuctla4 - ig 供肝冷保存時,采用血管夾技術lamptechnique )經門靜脈灌注攜帶融合基因hllctla4dg的重組腺病毒,于術后3天、 7天能定性檢測到hllctla4ig在受體外劃血卜1 。

As for comperes , the richest is still jacky wu with nt $ 110m in the bank , while the modelling money - ringer is lin chi - ling who , despite a back injury and being out of action for three months , still took home nt $ 68m 主持人方面,最富裕的仍是一億一千萬臺幣存款的吳宗憲;模特林志玲盡管背部受傷閉關三個月,但仍獲得六千八百萬臺幣。

We tested the hypothesis that hydroxyethyl starch ( hes ) is superior to lactated ringer ' s solution in pigs for preserving tissue perfusion during acute normovolaemic haemodilution 我們通過試驗來探究hes對于豬急性等容性血液稀釋過程中保留組織的灌注是否優于乳酸林格液。

Possible responses includes : accept , interactive voice , busy tone , reject + send sms , divert calls to , record conversation secretly and mute the ringer 可能的反映包括:接受,交互式語音,忙音,拒接+發送短信,把號碼轉接到別的地方,秘密記錄通話,呼叫靜音。

The first to serve her pancake to the bell ringer at the church door receives from him a traditional kiss and is hailed as the year ' s pancake champion 第一個將薄餅給教堂門口打鈴人吃的選手,將從他那兒得到一個傳統上的吻,并被人們歡呼為該年的薄餅冠軍。

Ringers : lord of the fans ' is a feature - length documentary that explores how “ the lord of the rings “ has influenced western popular culture over the past 50 years “魔戒迷蹤”是一部講述魔戒在過去50年中是怎樣影響西方的通俗文化的長篇紀錄電影。

With their long locks and heavily arched eyebrows , rachel bilson ( right ) and ashley judd are dead ringers for classic screen sirens 眉毛較長且彎度很大使得瑞切爾?貝爾森(右)與阿什莉?朱迪的形象和經典的銀幕艷婦如出一轍。

With chien - ming wang pitching against the chicago white sox , the yankees relievers could have turned the ringer on the bullpen phone to “ silent . 隨著小王成功的封鎖芝加哥白襪后,洋基牛棚的電話好像被調成靜音似的。

Relations with other women may not be at their best , and it may seem like your feelings have been squeezed through the ringer 今天水瓶座和其他女性的關系并不是所有日子中最好的,看起來你似乎一直在被警告著。

Each dot contains the vehicle ' s unique identification number , making life very problematic for professional auto ringers 每粒微粒包含車輛的獨特識別碼,使職業的汽車竊賊難以生存。

The illuminated village had seized hold of the tocsin , and , abolishing the lawful ringer , rang for joy 火光照耀的村子已奪走了警鐘,趕走了法定敲鐘人,自己歡樂地敲了起來。

It is proper mobile phone etiquette to turn off your ringer during a movie or other performance 在觀賞電影或其他表演時,關閉手機鈴聲是合宜的手機禮節。

So try to keep your phone ringer as low as possible or put it on vibrate mode 在這些場所最好把手機鈴聲調到最低,或者調成振動模式,以免打擾別人。

Hey , your cell phone ringer sounds really annoying . can you switch it to silent mode 喂,你手機的鈴聲聽起來真的很煩。你可不可以切換到靜音模式?