
rind n.1.外皮,果皮,菜皮;樹皮;皮殼;熏肉皮;干酪皮;鯨...

rind gall

In operating process of systems , besides the external randoml disturbance from the , also influence also comes from inside as parameter changing , in order to cope with this two kinds of uncertainties , a minimization variance control strategy based on innovations is proposed rind the analytic solution of this suboptimal control is obtained in this paper 摘要系統在運行過程中,除了受到來自外界的隨機干擾外,還受到了諸如內部參數引起的不確定性的影響,為對付這兩種不確定性,采用雙態控制方法,提出了基于新息的最小方差控制策略,獲得了該次優控制律的解析解。

Changes in concentrations of boron ( b ) and magnesium ( mg ) in the ovary ( fruitlet ) , rind and pulp of fruit were investigated throughout fruit development of parthenocarpic kamei satsuma mandarin ( citrus unshiu marc . ) and self - pollinated egan 1 tangerine ( c . reticulata blanco ) . the results showed as follows : 1 ) b concentrations in the ovary of kamei were at high levels before flowering and at full bloom , and decreased after flowering , whereas that of egan 1 was relatively low at full bloom , thereafter significantly increased . no significant differences were observed in mg changes in the ovary ( fruitlet ) between the two cultivars , which presented decreasing trends after flowering . 2 ) minor changes of b concentrations in the rind of the two cultivars were detected , remarkable changes were found for b in the pulp , which came to the peak values during the stage of fruit enlargement . mg concentrations were relatively high in the rind and pulp of the two cultivars during early fruit development , and presented obviously declining trends during the middle and late stage of fruit development 以單性結實的龜井溫州蜜柑和自花授粉結實的鄂柑1號橘為試材,對整個果實發育期的子房(幼果) 、果皮和果肉的硼鎂含量變化進行了測定.結果表明: 1 )龜井花前至花期子房硼含量就已較高,花后下降;而鄂柑1號花期子房硼含量相對較低,花后有一顯著上升;兩品種子房(幼果)鎂含量變化無明顯差異,花后均趨下降. 2 )兩品種果皮硼含量變幅較小,而果肉硼含量變幅相對較大,且均在果實膨大期出現明顯的上升高峰;兩品種果皮和果肉鎂含量在果實發育前期均相對較高,在果實發育的中后期則趨明顯下降

Before the young chicken is buried in the watermelon rind , the rind will be carved with exquisite patterns . then , the rind and the chicken will be staved in a pot with slow fire for a relatively long time . this dish is very popular among local people in summer for its crisp chicken , delicate fragrance and clear soup ,俗稱蝦仁鍋巴湯,明代由民間家廚傳入菜館,選用新鮮河蝦仁、雞肉脯、鍋巴為原料,油氽鍋巴出鍋,上桌時,以蝦仁雞肉湯汁澆入熱鍋巴,會發出咝咝響聲,鍋巴金黃松脆,蝦仁玉白鮮嫩。

This article compared the development and current of life insurance in foreign countries with that of china . on the base of analyzing national life insurance market , this paper researched the strategy of 1 ifc insurance companies rind life insurance agencies in china ( luring protect period . at 本文對比中外壽險業的發展現狀及發展趨勢,在分析國內壽險市場的基礎上,針對保護期內我國壽險公司及相關中介機構的發展策略進行了研究,同時,還對當前市場上較為流行的產品進行了測試分析。

In respect to financial cipher database system configuration design , we adopt encryption mode in dbms rind , and accomplish identification and data encryption etc . . through adding encryption management program in client , and security deputy program between application and dbms 對于財政密文數據庫系統的結構設計,本文采取在dbms外層加密的方式,通過在客戶端增加加密管理程序,在應用程序與dbms之間加入安全代理程序,實現了身份認證和數據的加解密等功能。

The boys examined three of them with no result . they found a small recess in the one nearest the base of the rock , with a pallet of blankets spread down in it ; also an old suspender , some bacon rind , and the well - gnawed bones of two or three fowls . but there was no money - box 孩子查看了三個道口,結果一無所獲,在最靠近大石頭的道口里,他們找到了一個小窩,里邊有個鋪著毯子的地鋪,還有個舊吊籃,一塊熏肉皮,兩三塊啃得干干凈凈的雞骨頭,可就是沒錢箱。

Fujian and taiwan culture , so called mintai culture , is a rind of regional culture which is created by fujian and taiwan ' s people with mindialet as a main barrier . it is an important component of chinese traditional culture and rich in instinct regional culture characters tics of sea culture 閩臺文化是指生活在閩、臺兩地人民所共同創造的,以閩方言為主要載體的區域文化,它既是中國傳統文化的重要組成部分,又富有鮮明的區域文化特色? ?海洋文化。

So that we can rind the characteristics of our enterprise internal auditing and we can summarize the regularity of the development of enterprise internal auditing . on the basis of the research in the fields , we can forecast the development of the enterprise internal auditing in our country 以便更好地總結我國企業內部審計的發展過程中的特點,尋找出發展中的規律性東西,預測我國企業內部審計的未來發展趨勢。

Every twig was covered with a white nap as of fur grown from the rind during the night , giving it four times its usual stoutness ; the whole bush or tree forming a staring sketch in white lines on the mournful gray of the sky and horizon 一夜之間,所有的枝條都掛上了白絨,樹皮上都長出了一層白毛,它們的粗細和原先相比增加了四倍在天空和地平線慘淡的光線里,大樹和灌木就像是用白色線條畫的醒目的素描畫。

Take the inner pulp out of the columns , fill with filling and steam for 10 minute , remove ; decorate with the carved rind peels ; bring the soup to the oil , season , thicken with cornstarch , pour over the gourd cups 冬瓜柱掏空填上餡,放盤中,上籠蒸10分鐘取出裝盤,并飾以刻好的瓜皮,盤中湯汁燒開調好味后勾芡,澆在冬瓜盅上即可。

Good appearance , uniform . dark green rind with black veins . single fruit weight is 5 . 0kg . yellow flesh . no “ hollow heart “ bix 13 % . hard rind , extra long shelf time and good shipping 生育強健,座果整齊,果實橢圓型且飽滿,果皮墨綠色底狹黑條紋,果重約5 . 0公斤。肉黃色,肉質脆爽,不易空心,糖度約13 % 。果皮堅韌,耐貯運。

Good appearance , uniform . dark green rind with black veins . single fruit weight is 5 . 0kg . red flesh . no “ hollow heart “ bix 13 % . hard rind , extra long shelf time and good shipping 生育強健,座果整齊,果實橢圓型且飽滿,果皮墨綠色底狹黑條紋,果重約5 . 0公斤。肉紅色,肉質脆爽,不易空心,糖度約13 % 。果皮堅韌,耐貯運。

Before the young chicken is buried in the watermelon rind , the rind will be carved with exquisite patterns . then , the rind and the chicken will be staved in a pot with slow fire for a relatively long time ,為夏令名肴,西瓜外皮雕刻精美圖案,納嫩母雞共蒸,西瓜清香滲入雞內此菜瓜香四溢,湯清味鮮,雞肉酥爛味美。

For richer , tastier soups : an old italian trick : save and freeze the hard rinds of parmesan or romano cheese , and use them to thicken / fortify homemade soups such as minestrone or vegetable 美味鮮湯:有這樣一個古老的意大利戲法,把帶硬皮的帕爾瑪或羅馬諾干酪冷藏起來,然后將其加入蔬菜濃湯之類的湯中增加鮮味。

Civil legal status is a rind of qualification , which a country recognizes and grants its market subject . however , whether lie in the need of social economic practice 民事法律地位是國家法律承認或授予主體的一種資格,而法律是否授予某一社會存在主體資格,取決于社會經濟現實的需要。

Put the cracked ice into a highball glass . add the vodka and lime juice , stir and top with ginger beer . decorate with a lime slice and a lime rind spiral 首先將碎冰放入雞尾酒杯。隨后加入伏特加和青檸檬汁,攪拌均勻后用姜啤續杯。最后用切片好的青檸檬和切成螺旋狀的青檸檬皮裝飾。

The yellow , rind - side of the twist faces the glass ; when twisted , the oil of essence of lemon is expressed out of the rind flavoring and adding a lemon flavor to the cocktail 黃色的桔皮朝向酒杯,這樣在擰檸檬皮時可以使檸檬油充分釋放出來,給雞尾酒添加檸檬味道。

Bring to the boil , thicken with cornstarch to make a filling ; cut 14 cylinders out of gourd ; carve designs on the rind then carefully peel off the rind 將冬瓜選肉厚處用圓槽刀捅出14個圓柱形,皮不去掉,刻上花紋及文字后片下瓜皮,焯水后抹香油待用

Cheese and cheese rind . determination of natamycin content . method by molecular absorption spectrometry and by high performance liquid chromatography 干酪和干酪外皮.納他霉素含量的測定.分子吸收光譜測定法和高性能液相色譜法