
rimless adj.無邊(緣)的;(眼鏡)無框的。


When you read this letter , it ' s perhaps that i ' m sleeping deeply in the rimless darkness 的眼睛說出這番話,所以,我寫下這封信,用我的心,懇請你

S : the semi - rimless is in fashion this year . and the oval shape is popular 半圈框今年很流行,而橢圓形也很受歡迎的。

The semi - rimless is in fashion this year . and the oval shape is popular 半圈框今年很流行,而橢圓形也很受歡迎的。

Sandy stared at me , his eyes widening behind his rimless glasses 桑迪盯著我看,無框眼鏡后面的眼睛睜得很大很大。

Bendable plastic rimless eyeglasses 可彎曲塑料無邊眼鏡

Specification for vitreous china bowl urinals rimless type 上釉陶瓷缽狀

Heyward's aquiline, austere face showed concentration; behind rimless glasses his grey eyes were cool . 海沃德那長著鷹鉤鼻子的嚴峻的臉上露出十分專注的神情,無框眼鏡的后面,一雙褐色的眼睛閃著寒光。

As he rose and approached the witness stand, pritchett's eyes appeared to gleam behind his rimless glasses . 普里切特站起身來向證人席走來的時候,他的眼睛似乎在無邊的眼鏡里面閃爍發光。

Among the guests was a quiet, agreeable man with rimless glasses locking like a college professor . 賓客中有一個沉靜和藹的人戴著無邊眼鏡,看起來象大學教授。