
rill n.〔詩〕小河,小溪,細流。vi.像小河一般流。


I discerned in the course of the morning that thornfield hall was a changed place : no longer silent as a church , it echoed every hour or two to a knock at the door , or a clang of the bell : steps , too , often traversed the hall , and new voices spoke in different keys below ; a rill from the outer world was flowing through it ; it had a master : for my part , i liked it better 早上我覺察到桑菲爾德變了樣,不再像教堂那么沉寂,每隔一兩個小時便回響起敲門聲或拉鈴聲,常有腳步聲越過大廳,不同聲調的陌生話音也在樓下響起,一條潺潺溪流從外面世界流進了府里,因為府上有了個主人。就我來說,倒更喜歡這樣。

Or again , note the meanderings of some purling rill as it babbles on its way , fanned by gentlest zephyrs tho quarrelling with the stony obstacles , to the tumbling waters of neptune s blue domain , mid mossy banks , played on by the glorious sunlight or neath the shadows cast o er its pensive bosom by the overarching leafage of the giants of the forest . what about that , simon ? he asked over the fringe of his newspaper “再則,請注意那打著漩渦蜿蜒曲折地嘩嘩淌去的淚淚溪流與攔住去路的巖石搏斗,在習習西風輕拂下,沖向海神所支配的波濤洶涌的蔚藍領國;沿途,水面上蕩漾著燦爛的陽光,兩邊的堤岸爬滿青苔,森林中的巨樹那架成拱形的繁葉48 ,將蔭影投射于溪流那憂郁多思的胸脯上。

The results indicated that the ree tracer technology has high precision to quantify the spatial - temporal process of soil erosion ; in earlier rainfall course , the development degree of sheet and nil erosion was general equation ; otherwise in the following course , the rill erosion was dominant in the total erosion , its average erosion acceleration and the average erosion rate was 15 and 9 times of sheet erosion , respectively ; in the end of experiment , the rill erosion took up 90 % of total erosion amount ; the section of slope bottom occupying about 1 / 3 slope area was active erosion segment in this experiment 結果表明: ree示蹤技術對定量研究土壤侵蝕具有較高的精度;降雨前期,片蝕與細溝侵蝕發育程度基本相當;后期細溝侵蝕占據坡面侵蝕的主導地位,其侵蝕平均加速度和平均侵蝕率分別是片蝕的15倍、 9倍;試驗結束,細溝侵蝕占據坡面總侵蝕的90 % ;本試驗條件下,坡面下1 / 3區域為侵蝕活躍帶。

In order to eliminate the hidden trouble caused by storm runoff erosion , the mechanism of the storm runoff erosion on the slope surface of the yellow river dykes has been studied in this thesis . through the simulation rainfall experiments and field observations , the formation mechanism of storm runoff scouring , rills and sockets have been opened up . meanwhile the possible control measures have been suggested 為了防治黃河大堤由于暴雨徑流沖刷造成的不安全隱患,本文針對黃河大堤上的暴雨徑流侵蝕進行了實地設站觀測及室內模擬降雨侵蝕試驗,通過揭示大堤暴雨沖刷過程機理,查清水溝、水穴(浪窩)等的成因,提出相應的防治對策。

On the formation mechanism , the rills were mainly formed by the concentrated action of the runoff on dyke slope , while the formation of socket mainly depended on surface runoff , subsurface flow and the existing defects within the dykes such as crack , mouse hole , fox and brocks dens 在成因上,前者主要是降雨形成超滲地面徑流的集中對戧坡的侵蝕作用而形成;后者主要與坡面徑流、壤中流,以及土堤的薄弱點(如裂縫、鼠洞、狐1一灌洞等)有關。

So twice five miles of fertile ground with walls and towers were girdled round : and there were gardens bright with sinuous rills , where blossomed many an incense - bearing tree ; and here were forests ancient as the hills , enfolding sunny spots of greenery 有方圓五英里肥沃的土壤,四周給圍上樓塔和城墻:那里有花園,蜿蜒的溪河在其間閃耀,園里樹枝上鮮花盛開,一片芬芳;這里有森林,跟山巒同樣古老,圍住了灑滿陽光的一塊塊青草草場。

Otherwise , this method was applied into solving burgers equation , and the numerical results show that it is a prospective numerical method for nonlinear partial differential equation . e . lastly , the wavelet stochastic finite element method for a stochastic model of soil erosion in a rill was proposed 第五、將隨機有限元方法和小波精細積分法相結合提出了對細溝侵蝕模型的統計特性進行分析的小波隨機有限元方法。

According to the analysis of the data of field observation and the simulated rainfall erosion experiment in lab , the results showed that there were many differences in the formation mechanism and development processes between the rills and sockets 3 、水溝、水穴(浪窩)的成因水溝、水穴(浪窩)都是降雨徑流侵蝕的產物。野外實地觀測和室內降雨侵蝕試驗研究表明,兩者在成因和發展過程上存在著差異。

Generally the rainfall on steeplands may be no more erosive than that on nearby lowlands , the resulting runoff and eroded sediments will move much more quickly on steep slopes , and will provoke more severe rill and gully erosion ( source : fao soils bulletin 75 ) 通常坡地的降雨侵蝕比附近的低地更嚴重,這樣坡地的流失物和侵蝕的沉積物移動更快,引起河流侵蝕。

The solidity dykes is the basic guarantee . with the heightening of the dykes of the yellow river every year , it became higher and steeper . there are many rills and puddles on the dyke slopes 由于黃河大堤逐年加高,大堤形成了高且陡的土坡,每逢暴雨后,在黃河大堤堤坡和戧坡區常有條條水溝以及戧臺區的、水穴(浪窩) 。

On the other hand , the contributions of interrill and rill erosion to the total erosion are 35 % and 65 % respectively , and their spatial distribution characters are different form each other 其中細溝間侵蝕和細溝侵蝕對坡面侵蝕的貢獻分別為35 %和65 % ,且在空間發生特征上具有此消彼長的關系。

I ' m a witty natural lady . i am looking for simple happiness , enjoy cool green grass in the sun . i ' m a happy rill running into this wonderful ocean 努力做一個好人。目憐心,心靈會比目光看得更高更遠。向往簡單的快樂。外就內和,在歲月的流光中從容穿越。

Momotea : why is the music so winningness , because it runs mountains high like the sea sometimes , but sometimes it is peaceful like a rill 么么茶:音樂之所以動人,是因為它有時象大江大海那樣洶涌澎湃,有時它象小河小溪那樣安祥寧靜。

She dwelt on the hillside by the edge of a maize - field , near the spring that flows in laughing rills through the solemn shadows of ancient trees 她住在玉米地邊的山畔,靠近那股嬉笑著流經古樹的莊嚴的陰影的清泉。

As for a given rainfall experiment , the soil erosion in the rill was more than that in the socket 在同一次降雨過程中,水溝的侵蝕量大于水穴(浪窩)的侵蝕量。

The rill only existed on the slope surface of the dyke could be rapidly infilled by the soil after rainfall 但水溝發生在地面上,降雨過后,可迅速填平。

Analytic method for computing sediment concentration in eroding rills on steep slope 確定陡坡細溝侵蝕含沙量的解析方法

Rills of muddy water rushed and swelled the stream and sunk my boat 渾水像小河般流溢,把我的船沖沒了。

The water in this rill is very clean 這條小溪里的水非常清澈。