
riley n.賴利〔姓氏,男子名〕。


Riley ' s right here , doing something clever with a computer 瑞利就在這對著電腦干一些聰明的事

Riley ) who ' s the stiff ? - here , why don ' t you let me take that 這家伙是誰? -不如把這個給我

Let ' s go . - riley , you ' re a genius 我們走-瑞利,你真是個天才!

Riley ) when you hit route 6 , take a right 到達六號通路時,向右轉

Want me to call riley ? forget riley . just us . come on 讓我叫上賴利?別管賴利,就我們,快點

Abigail ) lan . . . - ( riley ) we ' ll be trapped 伊恩. . . -我們被困住了

Coach riley calls him into his office and sends him home Riley教練把他叫到辦公室讓他回家了

( riley ) when you hit route 6 , take a right 到達六號通路時,向右轉

( riley ) this is denbo in the reckoning 這里是鄧伯,在“測航”號中

Charlie so , riley , you want to go get a drink 賴利,你想喝一杯嗎?

It ' s gonna be ok , riley . i ' m sorry i yelled at you 事情會好起來的,瑞利抱歉剛才對你吼叫了

Charlie ) so , riley , you want to go get a drink 賴利,你想喝一杯嗎?

What happened , riley ? did you get fucked 怎么了,賴利?你被人耍了?

( charlie ) so , riley , you want to go get a drink 賴利,你想喝一杯嗎?

Riley poole : uh - oh ! god save the queen 賴利?普爾:哦!上帝保佑女王!

Pretty boy on radio riley , what ' s your 20 賴利,你和你的隊伍怎么樣?

Quiet , riley ! your job ' s finished here 閉嘴,瑞利,你的任務已經完成了

Pretty boy on radio ) riley , what ' s your 20 賴利,你和你的隊伍怎么樣?

Governor riley . you honor us with your presence 雷州長,多謝您大駕光臨