
rile vt.1.〔美國〕攪渾,攪濁。2.〔口語〕惹怒,激怒,使...


Characteristic rile of vibration response is obtained in various cases of rub - impact . the result that the 1 / 3x , 2 / 3x sub - harmonic components ( x denotes operating frequency component ) occur in inception of rub - impact in the case of sharp rub - impact under certain condition , is obtained via theoretical and experimental analysis . ( 2 ) dynamics model of jeffcott nonlinear rotor with eccentric between stator and rotor is built based on rub - impact force ( 1 )采用并改進了已有的轉子尖銳碰摩模型,通過定量和定性的理論分析,獲得了尖銳碰摩轉子振動響應形式;設計了尖銳碰摩轉子試驗臺并開展了細致的實驗研究,獲得了不同碰摩情況下的振動響應特征規律;通過理論和實驗分析,得出在尖銳碰摩情況下,早期碰摩在一定條件下會出現1 3x 、 2 3x的分頻成分的結果( x表示工頻) 。

By appyling the strength parameter of non - saturated desert sand acquired by testing the paper calculatal the allowable of pile hole with different different diameters , nd wt the be nd digl - - orthe at wtngthe rile hole ty rare 應用強度試驗確定的非飽和沙漠砂強度參數,計算了不同孔徑的樁孔容許挖深,并用有限單元法分析了軸對稱狀態下樁孔周邊應力、位移的分布和變化。

Regularly riled criterion and constitutive model to rock mass are described in this paper . sometimes four - parameter yield criterion which may degenerate to other regularly yield criterions in some certain conditions are described , too 文中綜述了巖體材料常用的屈服準則和本構模型,同時論述了四參數屈服準則在一定條件下可退化為其它幾類常用的屈服準則。

Association rules mining is an important technique in data mining and kdd , but some problems exist in the association riles mining based on support and confidence 摘要關聯規則挖掘是數據挖掘和知識發現中一門重要技術,但基于支持度置信度框架的關聯規則挖掘存在一些問題。

Often ? ? and this is what riles me ? ? it is not given as an opinion that accepts some humility , as in “ i think it might be better . . . “ , but as stone cold fact 通常?而這是令我非常懊惱的?他們甚至不能謙虛地說我個人認為這樣這樣比較好. . . ?而是單刀直入說非這樣做不可。

Fukuda is seen as an advocate of warm relations with china and south korea , while aso is known for his conservative views that have sometimes riled japan ' s neighbors 福田康夫被視為主張與中國和韓國發展良好關系,而麻生太郎以保守觀點著稱,有時讓日本的鄰國感到憤怒。

They were brave enough , when riled , and dutiful , but no two pairs of eyes saw honor the same way in air or water 在憤怒的時候,他們會很勇敢而且忠于職守,但他們看待榮譽的方式并不同于地面生物。

People could put up with being bitten by a wolf but what properly riled them was a bite from a sheep 人們要是被狼咬了,還能忍受,然而一旦被羊咬了一口,那就真正會被激怒。

Neither goal is served if japan riles its neighbours with high - handedness over its wartime past 如果日本粗暴蠻橫地惹惱它的鄰居,美國就會連一個目標也實現不了。

Skin protection : nit rile / polyethylene gloves , coveralls , avoid cotton product 皮膚保護:使用聚乙烯的手套,避免棉織的。

I must have hit close to the mark to get her riled up like that , huh , kid 一定是我說中了什么她才會怒成這樣對吧,小子?

Phenylacetonit - rile series 苯氧乙酸系列

These folks is all riled up 這些人火氣好大啊

Somebody left his magazine on the front porch and it got me all riled up 有人把這本雜志放在走廊它激起我的欲望

Not billy ? he ' s so easily riled . you ' re not filming , are you 不是比利嗎?他太容易發火了你該不會在錄像吧?

I only know it is one of the shooting positions for the rile event 我只知道臥姿是步槍項目射擊姿勢的一種。

In school sports to rile everyone up 學校里的人都激怒了

Who killed my sister ? - you ' re riled up 誰殺了我妹妹-你發火了

- who killed my sister ? - you ' re riled up -誰殺了我妹妹-你發火了