
rigour n.1.嚴格,嚴肅;嚴厲,嚴酷,苛刻;苛刻行為;橫暴行為...


Nor could i pass unnoticed the suggestion of the bleak shores of lapland , siberia , spitzbergen , nova zembla , iceland , greenland , with the vast sweep of the arctic zone , and those forlorn regions of dreary space , - that reservoir of frost and snow , where firm fields of ice , the accumulation of centuries of winters , glazed in alpine heights above heights , surround the pole and concentre the multiplied rigours of extreme cold 還有些地方我也不能看都不看,一翻而過,那就是書中提到的拉普蘭西伯利亞斯匹次卑爾根群島新地島冰島和格陵蘭荒涼的海岸。 “廣袤無垠的北極地帶和那些陰凄凄的不毛之地,宛若冰雪的儲存庫。千萬個寒冬所積聚成的堅冰,像阿爾卑斯山的層層高峰,光滑晶瑩,包圍著地極,把與日俱增的嚴寒匯集于一處。 ”

Investigation using remote sensing ( rs ) technology can breakthrough the limits of traditional methods , make full use of its capability of integration , visualization , rapidity and vast - dimensions analysis , and get better results the paper takes the up - to - date landsat - 7 etm + data , which is the most widely used , and quickbird data , which has the highest resolution nowadays , and according the features of the data and landslides , processes the quickbird data with 1 : 10 000 dem orthophoto correction and the landsat - 7 etm + data as follows : ( 1 ) selecting optimal spectrum band : selects 753 bands as the optimal bands ; ( 2 ) image intensifying : selects the principle components processing method on the basis of comparing several image intensifying methods ; ( 3 ) rigour geometric direction : corrects the geometric distortion of the map ; ( 4 ) image fusion : mainly takes his space transform fusion and resolution fusion method , and acquires maps with higher spectrum resolution as well as space resolution . after that , the visual effect of the image has been enhanced , and the interpretation precision 采用遙感技術,可以突破傳統調查方法的限制,發揮其宏觀、綜合、直觀、快速的特點,取得更好的效果。論文選取目前應用最廣的陸地衛星最新系列landsat - 7etm +數據和空間分辨率最高的商業衛星quickbird數據作為主要的數據源,根據數據的特點及滑坡災害應用特征,對quickbird遙感數據則基于1 : 10000dem進行了正射校正,對etm +遙感數據進行了波段優選,選取了753作為最佳組合波段;圖像增強,通過各種增強處理方法的效果對比,選擇主成分分析法對圖像進行增強;幾何精校正,糾正圖像的幾何變形;影像融合,主要選取了效果較好的his空間變換融合和分辨率融合,得到的圖像既具有較高的光譜分辨率,同時也具有較高的空間分辨率。經過上述數字處理,較好地改善了圖像的視覺效果,提高了圖像解譯的精度。

After a series of the most stringent assessments and physical examinations , 13 candidates were selected in january 1998 , among them yang liwei . this first cohort of astronauts were enrolled at the astronaut training base in beijing . they went through a training regimen of unprecedented rigour , fired by the desire to roam the heavens , a dream that has tantalized the chinese mind for millennia 當時成績卓越的楊利偉,經過重重甄選、體檢、考核等嚴格程序,自一千五百名候選人中脫穎而出;一九九八年元月,與其他十三人正式成為我國第一批航天員,集結于北京航天訓練中心,背負著我國千年來延續不絕的飛天夢想,開始了前所未有的艱苦訓練。

For while he has had some journalistic coups during his time as a columnist - most notably in recognising , long before most other commentators , that market manipulation played a role in the california energy crisis - perhaps the most striking thing about his writing these days is not its economic rigour but its political partisanship 在作為專欄作家期間,他有過一些成功的新聞業績,其中最出色的就是他早于其他新聞評論員很久之前,就認識到市場操作在加州能源危機中所扮演的角色,不過,也許這期間他的文章最突出的并不是經濟學上的嚴密性,而是政治學上的黨派性。

Appointed foundation professor and chairman of the department of surgery at the chinese university of hong kong in 1982 , professor li has built a multi - disciplinary department of surgery with a justifiable international reputation for patient care , for innovations in surgical techniques and education methods and for investigative rigour 李國章教授多年來致力于醫學教育及研究,一九八二年,李教授出任香港中文大學醫學院外科學系創系講座教授。經過十多年耕耘,中大外科學系迅速發展,現已是國際知名的外科中心。

Returning from the morning rigours of training and being able to choose between a few relaxing laps of the hotel ' s heated pool , the spa bath , the sauna and a few rounds with the hotel masseuse , enabled these elite athletes to rest tired muscles sufficiently , to be able to maintain the intense workout rate required for the afternoon session 返回從早上嚴酷的訓練,并能選擇幾個放寬圈酒店的溫水游泳池,溫泉浴,桑拿及幾輪與酒店女按摩師,使這些優秀運動員休息疲憊的肌肉不夠,要才能保持在激烈的鍛煉率要求為下午的會議。

A course that lay between undue clemency and excessive rigour : the dispensation in a heterogeneous society of arbitrary classes , incessantly rearranged in terms of greater and lesser social inequality of unbiassed homogeneous indisputable justice , tempered with mitigants of the widest possible latitude but exactable to the uttermost farthing with confiscation of estate , real and personal , to the crown 方針要介乎過分的寬大與過于苛刻之間。在這個有著不自然的等級制度社會上的不平等不斷地或增或減變動不已參差不的社會里,要實行公平一視同仁無可爭辯的正義,也就是說,一方面盡可能廣泛地采取寬大政策,另一方面又為王國政府錙銖必較地橫征暴斂,包括沒收動產及不動產。

Under his chairmanship , the department has developed into a world leading centre of patient care , investigative rigour , and surgical and educational innovation . the department has trained 9 full professors of surgery and 55 consultants , and attracted 50 international fellows to complete their training 在他的領導下,中大外科學系已裁培了九位講座教授,五十五位外科顧問醫生,而其完善的專科課程配合豐富的臨床訓練,吸引了海外五十名醫生來港接受專科培訓。

The more an administration errs , the more essential it is that congress ? the first branch of government , according to the constitution ? perform its appointed role of supervising the executive with rigour 政府犯錯誤越多,國會的責任就愈加突顯? ?因為依照憲法,國會是獨立于行政機構之外的三權分立的第一個分支(這也是社會契約論所追求的) ? ?這個責任就是率用自己被賦予的職權殫精竭慮的監管行政機構的日常政府工作。

As an illustration of its rigour and quality , the report repeatedly emphasises the importance of financial infrastructure and operational integrity , especially in times of stress , arguing that these factors are crucial mitigants of systemic risk in their own right 報告反覆強調金融基建及穩健的運作的重要性,特別是在面對壓力的期間報告指出這些正是減輕系統性風險的重要因素。

The students would be able to learn a lot from the competition including the rigour required in science , the need to learn from failures in order to succeed and the task sharing among schoolmates . all these are invaluable experiences 同學們從比賽過程中可以學到很多事情,如科學的嚴謹精神從失敗中找尋成功的線索以至同學們分工合作等,這些都是非常難得的。

A strong service orientation , and be able to provide the leadership , motivation and rigour to ensure the delivery of a wide range of hr services , from “ soft ” support activities to specific “ hard ” deliverables 具有較強的服務意識,并且能夠通過影響、激勵和實踐等方法/技巧確保在當地一線提供全方位的hr服務,從“軟”的支持性活動到“硬”的具體性產出。

And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you , to inherit them for a possession ; they shall be your bondmen for ever : but over your brethren the children of israel , ye shall not rule one over another with rigour 你們要將他們遺留給你們的子孫為產業,要永遠從他們中間揀出奴仆,只是你們的弟兄以色列人,你們不可嚴嚴地轄管。

Managers in this common situation need the structure and rigour of a project management approach , yet very few managers are formally trained in project management or have the inclination , time or finances to become trained 管理者在這一共同的情況,需要結構和嚴格的項目管理辦法,但很少有經理人正式訓練項目管理或有傾向性,時間或財政成為訓練。

Right now the almost mythical quadruple is still a distinct possibility , though to be honest it is still an outside chance considering the rigours and pressures of theschedule over the next month or two 目前我們仍有可能像神話般當上四冠王,雖然老實說要達成這個神話的機會是微乎其微的,特別考慮到接著一兩個月的賽程是如何的嚴苛和具壓迫力。

Laws and principles are not for the times when there is no temptation : they are for such moments as this , when body and soul rise in mutiny against their rigour ; stringent are they ; inviolate they shall be 法規和準則不光是為了沒有誘惑的時刻,而是針對現在這樣,肉體和靈魂起來抗拒它的嚴厲和苛刻的時候。它們再嚴厲也是不可破壞的。

The more an administration errs , the more essential it is that congress ? the first branch of government , according to the constitution ? perform its appointed role of supervising the executive with rigour 行政部門犯錯越多,國會,根據憲法規定,作為政府三大權利體的第一位,就越有必要履行職責,對執行機構進行嚴厲的監督。

The more an administration errs , the more essential it is that congress ? the first branch of government , according to the constitution ? perform its appointed role of supervising the executive with rigour 政府犯錯誤越多,在憲法上賦予其嚴厲監督政府的國會重要性越大,根據憲法,國會是政權的第一個分支。

The commission expressed its concern that this lack of rigour might reflect a lack of will by investigating officers to pursue thoroughly complaints of serious misconduct against their fellow officers 操守委員會對此極表關注,因為這種散漫態度可能是沒有決心徹查同袍嚴重瀆職行為的反映。