
rigorous adj.1.嚴格的,嚴肅的;嚴厲的。2.嚴峻的,嚴酷的,...


Rigorous performance of contract 嚴格遵守合同條款

She had made this discovery during a rigorous cleaning session one new year 這是她在一次新年大清潔時發現的。

We give rigorous performance analysis of adaptive systems 該部分對于多變量系統,研究了基于高頻增益矩陣ki 。

Access to databases requires rigorous authentication and authorization 訪問數據庫需要嚴格的身份驗證和授權。

Well , writing is rigorous work . i keep myselfincredibly busy 寫作是一個一絲不茍的工作所以我總是讓自己很忙

Traditional but rigorous system 傳統但穩健的制度。

Lower levels require more rigorous monitoring by your physician 更低的鹽攝入量水平需要醫生更嚴格的監控。

International ecological cooperation : rigorous challenge to international society 國際社會的嚴峻挑戰

Rigorous . beady . one of your lot 很嚴格,有靈氣,和你一樣

Friendliness upwards rigorous cause it far 友愛向上嚴謹致遠

U . s . policies are based on precaution and supported by science , rigorous 美國在臺協會理事主席卜睿哲

Rigorous coupled - wave analysis of frequency separation grating used for icf 的分頻光柵的耦合波分析

Enforce rigorous code inspections of all application code 對所有應用程序代碼執行嚴格的代碼檢查。

Theory of quantum phase space and rigorous solution of hydrogen atom 量子相空間理論與氫原子嚴格解

The mechanics of writing are attained through rigorous training 寫作的技巧是通過嚴格訓練獲得的。

They rigorous , pragmatic , dedicated to customer service 他們嚴謹、求實、盡心盡力為客戶服務。

On the realization of rigorous bathymetric survey in tianjin harbor 天津港精密水深測量的實現

The soldiers were not yet seasoned to the rigorous climate 兵士們尚未能適應此種酷寒的氣候。

A rigorous method for solving 0 - 1 polynomial knapsack problem 1多項式背包問題的一種精確算法